Keep That Employee Motivation Going!

Keep That Employee Motivation Going!

Don’t let one of the impacts of this long-term pandemic be your employees’ motivation. A recent Harvard Business Review article says there are three things you can do energize your people, identify and diagnose struggles and address problems. 1) Make sure your...
Ways to Support Black- and Other Minority-Owned Businesses

Ways to Support Black- and Other Minority-Owned Businesses

This Black History Month, and throughout the year, there are ways we can all support black and other minority entrepreneurship to make for a more diverse and inclusive community of business owners. Here are a few ideas: Use your buying-power to support minority-owned...
Free Funding Via Business Grants Is Out There

Free Funding Via Business Grants Is Out There

  Women-owned businesses (WOBs) are growing five times faster than the national average. Yet, WOBs are 5% less likely to be approved for a business loan. When they are approved, they receive less funding than their male counterparts. This places WOBs at a disadvantage...
A Healthy Business Needs a Healthy Owner

A Healthy Business Needs a Healthy Owner

Women business owners often nurture their companies like babies. They celebrate each milestone, generate excitement among the workplace and devote additional time and energy to foster its growth. Yet, to continue on that path to success, it’s important to avoid...
The High-Tech, High-Touch Balancing Act

The High-Tech, High-Touch Balancing Act

  You only get one chance to make a first impression. This is true in business where personal relationships remain a driving force to growth. Yet, in today’s high-tech world, customers expect businesses to offer technological conveniences. There are several ways women...
We All Benefit When We Give

We All Benefit When We Give

Imagine a child receiving her only holiday present thanks to a local toy drive, or how much blood is appreciated for a disaster victim who needs it. As we fall into the holiday season, it’s the perfect time to drum up corporate social responsibility (CSR) by giving...
Personalizing Your Event Experiences to Meet Your Goals

Personalizing Your Event Experiences to Meet Your Goals

We’re counting down the days until we converge in Jacksonville, Florida, to connect with one another, share insights, rejuvenate and feel inspired during the National Women’s Business Conference hosted by NAWBO. To prepare for this annual gathering, we’re offering...
Let Fear Motivate You to Be More Courageous in Business

Let Fear Motivate You to Be More Courageous in Business

A healthy dose of fear releases the stress hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine, triggering us to take action. Our heartbeat quickens and blood flow increases to prepare our bodies to fight or take flight. When properly cultivated, fear can keep us ultra-focused...
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