Board Restricted Fund
Make Supporting Women Business Owners Your Legacy
A gift to our Board restricted fund provides a permanent source of funding for the NAWBO Institute’s programs now and in the future
The NAWBO Institute for Entrepreneurial Development is the National Association of Women Business Owner’s 501(c)3 non-profit educational foundation that seeks to provide opportunities for capacity building and organizational development for emerging and established women entrepreneurs.

The Institute’s Impact
Through the NAWBO Institute’s WBE/MWBE certification program to open new doors to opportunity and growth, international travel grants for global outreach, education, articles, best practices and private social communities, we aim to strengthen the wealth-creating capacity of women business owners and to promote economic development within the entrepreneurial community so that we can build a legacy of success for the next generation of women entrepreneurs. These programs serve women business owners both nationally and internationally, regardless of membership in NAWBO. The role of NAWBO Institute’s Board restricted fund is to sustain this important work in the present, while providing a permanent source of revenue to the Institute to grow its reach and impact in the future.
Your Impact, Your Legacy
Consider how the NAWBO Institute has helped to power your entrepreneurial dreams, and how it can help future generations of women entrepreneurs like you. By giving to the NAWBO Board restricted fund, you are making supporting these women business owners your legacy.

Ways to Give

Give directly
Gifts by cash, check or credit card are critically important because they can be put to work immediately.

Give appreciated securities
These are tax deductible at their full market value.

Pledge to give
State your intention to make a gift; perhaps giving a “first installment” and deferring the bulk of your giving until a future date.

Give property
Either in its entirety or in part, real estate can be deeded to Board restricted fund.

Give through will or living trust
Donors can specify that they would like their estate to benefit the NAWBO Institute.

Create a charitable gift annuity
Donors may transfer money, securities or real estate in trust to Board restricted fund.

Name the Board restricted fund as a beneficiary of your qualified retirement plan
Doing so may result in more assets being passed on to your heirs than if you make a bequest from other funds in your estate.
Get Ideas for Giving
Sign up now for the NAWBO giving program mailing list. Each month, we will send you one whitepaper or article to help inform your giving. Also, if at any time you would like to speak one-on-one with a NAWBO Institute leader about your personal giving goals and desires, please email [email protected] and we will arrange it.