Member Orientation: Get the Most from Your NAWBO Experience!

Did you know that with your NAWBO membership you have the following benefits?

  • Affinity Partners - member-only benefits
  • eLearning Series - cutting edge resources to become a better business leader
  • Ability to increase your company’s visibility
  • Opportunity to develop leadership skills

This webinar will provide best practices of how to get the most out of your NAWBO membership! We look forward to your participation.
*All members will benefit from this webinar.

The Nature of Business: Exploring Animal Archetypes for Inspiration and Growth

Archetypes are universal themes within stories and systems. Having learned that two thirds of businesses don’t survive their founders' lifetime inspired Rebecca to engage archetypes from the most powerful, enduring, and renewing force she knew, the natural world, and apply them to challenges and growth opportunities her business faced.

The Animal Archetypes gave Rebecca a framework through which she transformed her companies from entrepreneurial leadership, that which is dependent on its founder, to professional management, a structure that is scalable and self-replicating. 

Community Connect

We are a #NAWBONATION! Experience meeting other NAWBO members across the country every Wednesday at 5pm ET

Virtual Lunch & Learn: How to Deal with Difficult People in Business and in Life!

At some point (or many points) in our lives, we will face difficult people, whether at work or at home.  These challenging people seem to defy logic.  Some may unconsciously be difficult while others seem to thrive on the chaos. It’s easy to let an unreasonable person affect us and ruin our day. Studies have shown that stress can have a negative, lasting impact on the brain and our overall, health.  What are some of the keys to empowering yourself in such situations?

Special NAWBO Town Hall: NAWBO Advocacy

What does it mean to be a member of NAWBO and be an advocate for women business owners?

Our bipartisan Advocacy efforts on behalf of the nation’s women business owners continues, and NAWBO National is busy preparing for the 117th Congress. We have had overwhelming interest in the NAWBO Town Hall. For this reason, we will be shifting to a *webinar* at 12 p.m. ET on Wednesday, November 18th so everyone can participate.

Community Connect

We are a #NAWBONATION! Experience meeting other NAWBO members across the country every Wednesday at 5pm ET

Virtual Lunch & Learn – Reverse Goal Setting for 2021

It's time you take control of your business like never before. If you’ve ever found yourself in February and your goals are already a distant memory or you’re disappointed as you look back in December on what you didn’t accomplish (but had planned to), you aren’t alone. Goals shouldn’t be that way. Don't get caught up in typical goal setting's time to reverse your goals and watch them come alive!

Virtual Lunch & Learn – How to Pivot to Sell in the New Economy

If you're like many companies, you had big sales goals for 2020, and then Covid-19 happened, and your sales numbers took a major hit. After months of uncertainty, you can’t afford to cross your fingers and wait to see what’s going to happen. At least, not if you want to survive. You have to learn how to pivot your sales strategy and find new ways to bring in business. But you may be wondering where or how to start?

In this high-impact session, you will learn:

NAWBO Atlanta – Virtual After Hours

Grab your favorite beverage and join us on Zoom in for a fun, interactive Happy Hour with your friends at NAWBO Atlanta! We’ll connect, engage and talk business. We are stronger together, even during social distancing. Registration is required. Attendees will be sent the Zoom call information prior to the event starting. 

Virtual Lunch & Learn – Life Mapping: The Power of Vision

Do you ever feel frustrated because you are on the path to reach your vision and manifest your ideal life

style - And it’s in your site. But something is in the way and you are not sure what to do about it. Start

with clarifying your vision. Vision is the foundational technology for creating the lifestyle that you want. Imagine being able

Virtual Lunch & Learn – How To Gain Insta-Clients with Speaking or Hosting Events or via Zoom

In this presentation you will learn:

  • The influence equation and how to make it easy work for you
  • The guiding principle that will fill your virtual or live and in-person room every time.
  • The big mistake businesswomen make when wanting to add new clients and what to do instead that will work

BONUS: Caterina will also share a few super tips for delivering amazing virtual workshops every time.  …and much more.

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