Virtual Connect & Learn: 3 Tech Tools to Save Time & Increase Productivity

Join us for self-assessment about your productivity mindset as well as share some tech tools that can help you find more time - for work or play.  Come ready to see these tech tools live and in action.

Tools that you can use and implement immediately.  Participants will also receive a productivity tool kit - a quick reference guide on how to assess your time and where these new tools can help you save time to make time.

Member Orientation

Did you know that with your NAWBO membership you have the following benefits; 
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Learn WHY NAWBO is the “go to” premiere women’s organization. This 30 minute presentation will provide an overview of all of the key benefits of membership. NAWBO has over 5000 members with 60 chapters nationwide. We hope you can join us and learn more about our community!

NWBC Public Meeting: #Celebrate Her

Every year, during Women’s History Month, we celebrate the great contributions of women. Please join the National Women’s Business Council in celebrating the milestones of women in business at our next online Public Meeting on Wednesday, March 8th from 2:00pm to 4:00pm ET.

Virtual Connect & Learn: Grow Yourself, Grow Your Wealth

In this session Karen shares insights and tools for you to discover:

  • Your current answer to "What's the Money for? in your business
  • Three Money Myths that keep you stuck
  • Two weekly prosperity practices: Money Monday and Faithful Friday that immediately create more income, momentum, and personal satisfaction.

Presented By:  Rev. Karen Russo, M.B.A., NAWBO Phoenix

Virtual Connect & Learn: It’s All About the Cash Flow

Accelerate Your Growth through Financial Excellence

As a business owner, you wear so many hats that it’s easy to ignore the seemingly complicated world of finance. But if you want to truly own your place in the business world, you must get clear about your numbers.

Never fear… this webinar is NOT an introduction to accounting!

Instead, you’re going to take a totally different approach that will allow you to navigate financial opportunities (and obstacles!) with clarity and confidence.

Advocate for Your Business | Score

Featured SCORE Webinar:  For over 50 years, SCORE has served as America’s premier source of free business mentoring and education.To learn more about SCORE  >>>Click Here

Small business owners must perform countless tasks, but many forget to advocate for their businesses. Government officials make decisions that impact your ability to conduct business, so shouldn’t you be involved in advocating for your company?

Webinar: Building a Multigenerational Workforce

Businesses benefit from hiring and retaining 50+ workers, as they demonstrate greater levels of engagement, lower rates of turnover, and stronger applied skills and experience. Building a multigenerational workforce can lead to business success by enhancing recruitment, retention, and profitability.

Discuss the benefits of hiring older workers and how employers can build a multigenerational workforce through targeted recruiting strategies and workplace programs.  

Let’s Talk About Tax Reform

Ready to learn more about tax reform? 

This webinar is your opportunity to learn about impending changes to the 2018 tax code and how your business may be impacted. 

Hear from Nicole Kaeding from the Tax Foundation as well as NAWBO's own Loreen Gilbert and Teresa Meares on upcoming tax changes and what women business owners can expect in the year ahead. 

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