Virtual Lunch & Learn: How to Deal with Difficult People in Business and in Life!

At some point (or many points) in our lives, we will face difficult people, whether at work or at home.  These challenging people seem to defy logic.  Some may unconsciously be difficult while others seem to thrive on the chaos. It’s easy to let an unreasonable person affect us and ruin our day. Studies have shown that stress can have a negative, lasting impact on the brain and our overall, health.  What are some of the keys to empowering yourself in such situations?

Special NAWBO Town Hall: NAWBO Advocacy

What does it mean to be a member of NAWBO and be an advocate for women business owners?

Our bipartisan Advocacy efforts on behalf of the nation’s women business owners continues, and NAWBO National is busy preparing for the 117th Congress. We have had overwhelming interest in the NAWBO Town Hall. For this reason, we will be shifting to a *webinar* at 12 p.m. ET on Wednesday, November 18th so everyone can participate.

Community Connect

We are a #NAWBONATION! Experience meeting other NAWBO members across the country every Wednesday at 5pm ET

Virtual Lunch & Learn – Reverse Goal Setting for 2021

It's time you take control of your business like never before. If you’ve ever found yourself in February and your goals are already a distant memory or you’re disappointed as you look back in December on what you didn’t accomplish (but had planned to), you aren’t alone. Goals shouldn’t be that way. Don't get caught up in typical goal setting's time to reverse your goals and watch them come alive!

Virtual Lunch & Learn – Life Mapping: The Power of Vision

Do you ever feel frustrated because you are on the path to reach your vision and manifest your ideal life

style - And it’s in your site. But something is in the way and you are not sure what to do about it. Start

with clarifying your vision. Vision is the foundational technology for creating the lifestyle that you want. Imagine being able

Virtual Lunch & Learn – How To Gain Insta-Clients with Speaking or Hosting Events or via Zoom

In this presentation you will learn:

  • The influence equation and how to make it easy work for you
  • The guiding principle that will fill your virtual or live and in-person room every time.
  • The big mistake businesswomen make when wanting to add new clients and what to do instead that will work

BONUS: Caterina will also share a few super tips for delivering amazing virtual workshops every time.  …and much more.

Advocacy Town Hall

Our bipartisan advocacy efforts on behalf of the nation’s women business owners continues, and NAWBO National is ready for the 117th Congress. The NAWBO Town Hall webinar this month will discuss the 2021 Advocacy agenda, plus much more. Join us on a new platform, Airmeet, on January 27, 2021 at 11:45 AM ET for some networking and 12:00 PM ET for the live presentation. Be sure to sign up for Airmeet prior to the presentation.


Virtual Lunch & Learn – 3L – Learning, Leading and Laughter

How many times have you laughed today?  Social distancing has severely impacted our day to day interaction with people.  Workplace relationships are built on communication and although technology has introduced an opportunity for virtual interaction, nothing replaces human interaction. Using humor in the workplace can produce a shared laughter in your organization or on your team that shifts to a positive environment and increases productivity.

Virtual Lunch & Learn – Be a Redwood Tree: Nurture and Nourish Yourself With Your Core Values

What does it mean to thrive in your life, especially when plans get turned upside down? What if you could be like a Redwood tree, able to not just withstand, but thrive through the ups and downs of life? In this interactive session, you’ll explore the role of your core value and how to embody them as the foundation for thriving in your personal and professional life. You'll leave with practices to help you be rooted in yourself so that you can embody that truest version of you in your work, in your life, and in the world.  

Virtual Lunch & Learn – Leading your Business, Brand and Team thru Change, Challenge & Uncertainty

Leaders and Organizations continue to be faced with unprecedented global events.  While many of these events are their control, they greatly impact their business, brand and teams.  The tried-and-true playbooks are no longer applicable in steering through these times.  In fact, applying old methodologies and thought processes can harm your business for years to come.

Virtual Lunch & Learn: I am the leader and I swear I’m perfect.

Register Here

The presentation is about the importance of developing Emotional Intelligence especially in the area of being self-aware. Too many times leaders are focused on being right instead of being efficient.  A mature leader with a high EQ can bring out the best in their team when they understand their own weaknesses and allow team members to hold them accountable to fixing themselves.  

Presentation Main Takeaways:         

1.            What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

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