Assessing Your Courage Capacity: Bold Moves in Business

Assessing Your Courage Capacity: Bold Moves in Business

By Dr. Farah Laurent, founder of Farah Laurent International Nurse Coach LLC and a New Jersey-based member serving on NAWBO’s National NextGen Subcommittee Starting and growing a business is risky, however, it is also the pathway to innovation, opportunity and...
The Power of Courage: Empowering Women in Business

The Power of Courage: Empowering Women in Business

By Jill Calabrese Bain, Managing Director, Small Business, Specialty Banking and Lending at Bank of America In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, courage is the hard-earned badge of honor worn by all business owners. Whether just starting out, running a mature...
How to Pay Yourself as a CEO

How to Pay Yourself as a CEO

By Kellé Thorpe, fractional CFO of Kommas With Kellé and member of NAWBO Greater DC When starting or running a business, paying yourself might be the least of your worries initially. However, as soon as you can afford it, you should draw your paycheck just as you...
What’s Your People Energy Manifesto?

What’s Your People Energy Manifesto?

By Alicia Parr, founder of Performentor and member of NAWBO Greater Raleigh A manifesto? Isn’t that one of those scary things that bad people write before they do some really bad things? Well, sure…but a manifesto can also be for good things too. How so? A manifesto...
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