Shaila Rao Mistry

Jayco MMI and STEM-Institute

Board of Directors

From: 2017

Board of Directors

From: 2016

Shaila Rao Mistry is president of Jayco Interface Technology.  Jayco innovates, designs and manufactures hand-held user interfaces for aerospace, medical devices, security, and communication applications.

Rao Mistry is also the founder and president of Stem-Institute; a Science, Technology, Education, and Management experience that straddles private sector, academia, government and civil society.  She continues to educate and mentor girls entering fields of science and technology, encouraging them to break the glass ceiling.

For 20 years, she has served on multiple United Nations committees and as an official delegate to various UN Commissions. She has presented papers, seminars, and workshops on a variety of topics that are at the forefront of women’s issues both global and domestic. Her speaking engagements have taken her to five continents where she has had an audience with world leaders who shape the global reform of women’s rights.

While serving as a leader for multiple state and national-level organizations, she has lobbied for issues effecting women business owners and healthcare reform.  Rao Mistry worked to pass Human Rights and Trafficking legislation and wrote a Charter on Human Rights and the Digital Domain.

Rao Mistry has received congressional awards and local recognition for her humanitarian work and entrepreneurial accomplishments.  She is listed among the Top 20 Women to Watch: OC Metro and was awarded the SABAN Entrepreneur of the Year.  ABAOC presented Rao Mistry with the Marco Polo Award: Entrepreneurship & Global Humanitarian work.

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