
Elle Patout, NAWBO National Director of Advocacy and Public Relations

Director of Advocacy and Public Relations
National Team

From: 2018



Communication is the key to healthy relationships and a sustainable business. NAWBO stands as the most valuable organization for women business owners, and for this very reason, everyone should know about NAWBO. In my role as Director of Public Relations, I hope to spread the word about the opportunities that NAWBO shares with their members, and also, advocate for the best policies on behalf of small businesses. I enjoy getting creative and thinking of different ways we can message the great work of NAWBO National and our members.


I’m a to-do list kind of gal. If you give me a task, it is added to the list and crossed off according to priority and deadlines. I believe everyone can accomplish their goals if they put a plan in place and stick to it. You don’t go out and run a marathon. You train for months, crossing off every training run and stretch session, and then, you cross the finish line.


Outside of my work with NAWBO, I am also a Junior League of Washington member. In my role with the Junior League, I work with adults with developmental disabilities to help them gain the necessary skills to lead a full life.   I am also a very active member of the volunteer organization at my children’s school, and I enjoy park outings, running, swimming, and reading a great book.  However, most of my time, I spend with my husband and three sons.

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