Beyond Sole Source: Strategies to Reach the 5% Goal

The government-wide prime contracting goal for spending with women-owned small businesses is 5%, and this goal has never been met.

The recent implementation of sole source authority in the Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contracting Program is a huge step forward and will open the federal marketplace to women business owners in pursuit of both new and larger dollar contracting opportunities. But we can’t stop there. Too many barriers and challenges remain for women in pursuit of opportunities with the federal government, the largest buyer of goods and services. When the government falls short of its minimal procurement goal, it’s a huge net loss – in terms of contracting dollars and opportunities – for women small business owners. In fiscal year 2014, it was a potential loss of $1.2 billion. Women small business owners stand to benefit greatly from increased access to the federal procurement marketplace, and so too does the economy.

United We Thrive: Sustaining Our Momentum in Corporate and Private Arenas

You are invited to join the National Women’s Business Council for our next public meeting - United We Thrive: Sustaining Our Momentum in Corporate and Private Arenas on Wednesday, December 7, from 2:00pm to 4:00pm ET, via web conferenceAs the current administration comes to a close, we have the opportunity to reflect on the progress that we have made and the path forward. Women's entrepreneurship has evolved from a 'growing trend' to a vital part of our nation's economy.

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