
Workplace 2.0: The Evolution of Risk in the Modern Workplace

Jun 9, 2016 | Uncategorized

Treadmill desks. Bouncy ball chairs. Tablets on public transit. Wifi on airplanes. Our workplace is more mobile than ever, and our work life is rarely confined or stationary. Instead, it’s stuffed into the bags on our shoulders or sitting next to us in the passenger seat—along with our laptops, tablets, smartphones, gym gear, reading glasses, sunglasses, a back-up battery and a chicken salad sandwich (that should really be refrigerated, like, immediately).

Today’s workplace looks remarkably different.

That’s why Travelers Insurance is taking a fresh look at how the modern workplace is evolving for so many small businesses around the country, and what business owners can do to mitigate the risk these trends and employee expectations may bring. We call it Workplace 2.0, a new way of recognizing and thinking about risk in the work environment of today.

The modern office brings emerging risks.

The Travelers Next Desk Digest is a simple and practical guide to understanding the risks a modern small business workplace faces. This valuable digest can help keep small business owners abreast of all the latest trends and issues cropping up in small businesses today, with discussions and tips around emerging topics. In each issue, we focus on a variety of useful topics like ergonomics, distractions, and health & wellness.

Get the Inaugural Edition of Next Desk Digest here.

What is Workplace 2.0, and how is it different from the old 1.0 office environment? Learn how the workforce is changing as millennials make up more of the core workforce. This shift in the workforce brings fresh energy and new ideas—along with different kinds of risks.

Protecting your employees and your business can also help it grow. For more online resources or to start a conversation visit travelers.com/smallbusiness/solutions.

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