Three Reasons Why It’s Critical for Your Business to Have a Strong Returns Policy

Feb 6, 2018 | Partner News


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“It is very important for companies to have a solution for post-sales support and reverse logistics,” says Jim Brill, corporate returns services marketing manager at UPS. “In this Internet-buying culture, customers are just as critical of a company’s returns policy as they are their purchases, and companies need to think about what type of experience they want to provide their consumer.”

So, take a step back and think about it. While you’re mulling it over, you should know that UPS can help you attract new business with a straightforward returns solution that can create a better shopping experience for your customers, while helping you improve inventory planning and your bottom line.

If you still need convincing, take a look at these three ways UPS Returns can work for you:

1. Efficiently Process Transactions

Ease your customers’ minds and ensure their loyalty by making your company’s returns process hassle-free. UPS Returns solutions can help you quickly process your customer’s returns so that you can complete the rest of their transaction including refunds, exchanges or credits. Returns are easily tracked by Quantum View Manage® or UPS Tracking, allowing for better visibility and inbound planning. Use these tools to improve customer service and keep your customer informed with direct access to tracking information.

“There are certain costs associated with return goods, especially in the high-tech industry,” says Mr. Brill. “The longer these items stay outstanding, the sooner they lose value. Returns can help preserve the value of goods by getting them back quickly to put back into inventory, repaired or salvaged.”

Learn More About Quantum View Manage

2. Exceed Customer Expectations

Provide a concierge-like returns experience for customers with UPS Returns® Exchange, a premium return service that enables a merchant to have a replacement item delivered and a return item picked up at the same time. This contract-only return solution is ideal for high-value retail, electronic, or healthcare devices, ensuring that the correct item is being shipped back and shipped properly, minimizing damage to the product. The flexibility of UPS’ Returns solutions is great for high-volume or occasional shippers that need a convenient way to handle returns. Use Quantum View Notify® or UPS Tracking to track returns and streamline operations by identifying and categorizing returned products.

“Shippers can go from providing customers a basic return label all the way to having a driver come to a customer's door for an exchange,” says Mr. Brill.

Businesses can also build a custom returns solution into their website with the UPS Developer Kit Shipping API or through a UPS Ready Provider.

Learn More About Quantum View Notify

3. Satisfy Unique Business Needs

UPS Returns can still benefit your company, even if you don’t conduct point of sale transactions. Shippers can take a more unique approach and use returns capabilities for an entirely different business need.

“We try to understand what a company’s returns persona is so that we can appropriately position a returns solution for them,” says Mr. Brill. “They can even use solutions in a non-traditional sense and develop a creative use of returns capabilities to bring other value.”

Use UPS Returns to collect expensive delivery packaging for temperature sensitive goods, return signed contracts for quicker processing or have items picked up by a UPS driver for repair. The easier you make it to conduct business with your company, the more likely that you will be top of mind for a consumer when they need your services or product, or are called upon to make a referral.

UPS is a proud corporate partner of NAWBO National. Learn more here. Also, click here to learn how you can save with UPS as a NAWBO member.


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