The Voice of Women Business Owners Provides Valuable Insight

Feb 13, 2012 | Uncategorized

Women business owners are in a tremendous position of power and influence as one of the fastest-growing segments of the economy. It’s no wonder political decision makers want to hear the voice of women business owners as they look to strengthen the economy, and are turning to NAWBO® for this valuable perspective.

This month, I have been honored to represent this voice on many occasions. On February 1st, I was invited to a U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship roundtable hosted by Senator Mary Landrieu in Washington, DC on developing and strengthening high-growth entrepreneurship. It featured many experts, including representatives from the Kaufman Foundation, the Small Business Administration discussing their initiatives as well as private sector experts sharing the obstacles to job creation, if Congress and the federal government should have any role in spurring job creation and if so, what that role should be. We have also been asked to give input on legislation that will spur entrepreneurship in our country.

On February 3rd, I joined a group of accomplished women in an action workshop at the White House Urban Economic Forum in New York City—the first of a multi-city series of events presented by the White House Council on Women and Girls and the U.S. Small Business Administration. In attendance were high-level government officials, such as Valerie Jarrett and Karen Mills, as well as Arianna Huffington and Maria Bartiromo of CNBC. Much of the discussion was around top resources women can access to help their business survive during hard economic times—to help build their businesses for the future and create jobs. I was delighted that we were asked to give our input on such important issues facing all women business owners.

Both events were a tremendous experience and opportunity to provide big picture insight into women business owners’ impact and challenges. I encourage you to speak out on the issues you face as a woman entrepreneur as opportunities arise this year, whether it is an event like the U.S. Small Business Summit in Washington, DC this May or by calling or writing your Congressperson. Each of you has an important personal story and perspective to bring to the table that can make a difference in the future of all women business owners.

Diane Tomb, NAWBO® President and CEO

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