The Power of One

Jun 4, 2010 | Uncategorized

One of my favorite quotations is, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” The power of the first step, when all possibility lies before you, speaks to the many women entrepreneurs that belong to NAWBO—women who have chosen to take that step in their professional lives. When our conference committee chose the theme for this year’s WBC, it was just one of the many reasons why we chose The Power of One, but as we’ve geared up in the last few weeks, it’s become clear how true this power really is.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to attend one of the WBCs, the energy is palpable. Women entrepreneurs have a charisma, and when we come together, the connections and possibilities are endless. Whether it’s politically, socially or economically, I believe the inroads we make at this conference are a powerful single step in this journey we are taking together as women entrepreneurs. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at the conference this coming week, and even more so to reporting back on all the exciting connections and activities.

Whether you’re joining us for the conference or following our updates live on Twitter (#NAWBOWBC), think about your own journey, the power you have as a women business owner and the impact you make on your employees and the community around you. As one person, what are you most proud of?

—Helen Han, NAWBO President and CEO

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