Technology: It’s Everywhere…or Is It?

Jul 27, 2016 | Uncategorized

Technology is everywhere—entwined in nearly every area of our lives. As women business owners, in particular, it makes us faster, smarter and more efficient. It connects us with employees, customers and vendor partners and even with family and friends while at work or on the road. It allows us to share ideas and resources, advocate and lead with our NAWBO sisters across the country when we’re not able to come together in person. And it enables us to be on the leading edge of today’s business tools, processes and solutions.

With technology so important, we made it the theme of this July issue of our NAWBO ONE e-publication. In this issue, the founder and CEO of one of our media partners—Geek Girl, whose mission is to empower women and girls in technology, from start up to savant—shares tips for taking control of your digital footprint. You will also read about today’s must-have apps for small business owners as well as two member spotlights where our members share how technology has impacted and benefitted their businesses.

While you are enjoying this month’s read, I hope you will also consider the bigger picture and how we, as women and women business owners, can make a difference: A gender gap in technology remains for women and girls in countries around the world—where many have no access to the Internet or a mobile phone to do things like stay safe while out shopping, open a bank account or connect with information and educational opportunities. In fact, a study shows that worldwide, 200 million more men than women have access to the Internet, and women are 21 percent less likely to own a mobile phone.

Meanwhile, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our immediate past NAWBO National Chair Crystal Arredondo for her year of tremendous leadership of this great organization—and really movement—we are all so passionate about. Crystal, I look forward to continuing to work together on the board as I step into this role of National Chair. NAWBO—through our talented board, staff and chapter leaders—has come so far, yet so much still lies ahead. I’m excited for the challenge and opportunity!

—Teresa Meares, 2016-2017 NAWBO National Board Chair


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