As we welcome the New Year, it’s a great time to take a closer look at how we might be able to improve our well-being, whether it’s our physical health, our businesses, a personal project or even socially by spending more time with our friends and family. Our overall well-being involves each of these areas, and the healthiest you thrives in every one. Check out the tips below for small steps you can take every day on your way to a healthier you!
• Take time for yourself. This means something different for everyone; for some people, it means meditating for a few minutes in the quiet morning hours; for others, it means curling up with a good book in the evenings; others enjoy a quick outdoor run to clear their head. This time allows you to recharge and serve those you love more effectively.
• Rethink your diet. We all have “guilty pleasures” when it comes to diet—and that’s okay, as long as they’re a rare treat. Try focusing on one step at a time. Maybe for you it’s about drinking more water or eating less sugar. These small changes can make a big difference.
• Step out of your comfort zone. Regularly challenge yourself to take a step outside your comfort zone—where the most growth happens. If something is uncomfortable for you because it’s new, give it a try just once. You could find that you enjoy activities that once intimidated you; you’ll never know unless you try.
• Make exercise a daily habit. When it comes to exercise, maintaining a regular schedule is a great priority. For example, it’s better to exercise for 20 minutes every day than for an hour once a week. You don’t need to do a lot; maybe just take a walk around the block in the evening or a quick jog in the morning to get your heart rate up.
Meanwhile, NAWBO is here to help power the “whole you”—in your business, lifestyle and community—in 2016. Be sure to tap into your NAWBO community for networking, education, support, an advocacy voice, business resources, exclusive member discounts and much more!