I just finished reading the latest entry from Debra Eckerling at She Takes on the World http://shetakesontheworld.net, a leading business and lifestyle blogging site for women entrepreneurs. It was on goal setting and reminded me of the tremendous opportunities that exist around this year’s NAWBO® Women’s Business Conference where we are giving attendees the unique opportunity to design their own experience in our most condensed, interactive conference platform to date. There’s so much to do and see, so many tools and resources at your fingertips, so many people, sponsors and exhibitors to connect with. And it’s all located in the Business Marketplace and Pavilion for the greatest impact to help women business owners grow their businesses.
So I ask that you plan ahead and think about your goals for this year’s NAWBO® Women’s Business Conference. What do you hope to get out of it? How will you maximize your time there? CLICK HERE to access this year’s conference agenda, and then check out the tips for goal setting offered in the She Takes on the World blog entry that follows. Also, remember to share your goals here so we can all be inspired.
Ready, Set, Goals…
Position yourself for success. Set realistic goals—you can overshoot a little, but not so much that there’s no way you can achieve them. Then, look at them regularly, so you stay on track.
Setting Goals
- Write down what you want to achieve. Everything.
- Separate your goals into two lists: personal goals and professional ones.
- Then, review your lists and prioritize. Pick the top three things to achieve this week, this month, this summer and this year. The little goals you set should work toward the big picture.
Personal Goals
To be successful in business, it’s essential to put your personal life in order.
- How’s your living situation? Do you have a difficult roommate? Inconsiderate neighbors? If that’s the case, finding a new place to live should be Goal One.
- Is your home office a mess? Do you even have a home office? Putting together your workspace should be a top priority.
- When was the last time you took a real vacation? Saving money, so you can treat yourself to a few days away, is a good three- to six-month personal goal. It will leave you refreshed and ready to “take on the world.”
Professional Goals
What do you need to do to achieve your goals for business success? Here are some examples.
- Goals for the Week: Get business cards, register a domain, start a blog.
- Monthly Goals: Develop a new logo, redesign your blog, attend regular networking events.
- Summer Goals: Write a business plan or the first draft of a book, create a new product.
Remember, goal setting isn’t something you just do at the beginning of the year. Take a goal inventory regularly…adjust if necessary. And always keep your eye on the prize.
—Helen Han, NAWBO® President and CEO