
NAWBO National Offers Testimony on Tax Reform Before U.S. House Subcommittee

Jul 12, 2017 | Advocacy, Uncategorized

(Washington, D.C. July 12, 2017)—NAWBO National Past Chair Teresa Meares will provide testimony to the U.S. House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Tax Policy.  The Subcommittee on Tax Policy, chaired by Congressman Peter Roskam of Illinois, will hold a hearing titled, How Tax Reform Will Help America’s Small Businesses Grow and Create New Jobs, on Thursday, July 13 at 10AM.

“According to our 2017 membership survey, the majority of respondents cited taxes and regulations (52.52%) as the top advocacy issues impacting their business,” said Kathy Warnick, NAWBO National Board Chair.  “NAWBO National was founded in 1975 to serve as the first advocacy organization for all women business owners.  It is our pleasure to advocate on behalf of our membership on issues like tax reform.” 

Earlier this year, NAWBO National submitted a letter of support for comprehensive tax reform to U.S. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady.  You can read the letter here.

“I want to thank Chairman Brady and Chairman Roskam for extending this invitation for me to share my testimony with the Subcommittee,” stated Teresa Meares, NAWBO National Past Chair.  “I look forward to this important discussion and hope that my insight as a small business owner two times over, the mother of a 13-year old small business owner and Immediate Past Chair of NAWBO National will be helpful as Members of Congress consider comprehensive tax reform and the impact it could have on small business owners.”

The hearing will be broadcast and archived here.





Founded in 1975, the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) is the unified voice of America’s more than 9.1 million women-owned businesses representing the fastest growing segment of the economy. NAWBO is the only dues-based organization representing the interests of all women entrepreneurs across all industries.   NAWBO develops programs that help navigate women entrepreneurs through the various stages of their business growth.

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