NAWBO Celebrates National Women’s Small Business Month

Oct 28, 2015 | Uncategorized

NAWBO is celebrating National Women’s Small Business Month. October is designated as National Women’s Small Business Month.

“Women business owners are a driving force in this nation’s economy. Many of them are small business owners. When women business owners do well, so does our economy as a whole. At NAWBO, we believe that policies should be pursued to reform the tax code and reduce the regulatory burden on small business owners, freeing them up to create more jobs and expand their businesses and our economy,” said Crystal Arredondo, NAWBO National Board Chair.  “For our part, we will continue to advocate for positive changes that allow women business owners more access to the capital and education they need to start and grow their businesses.”

NAWBO was established in 1975 by a group of like-minded businesswomen to serve as the collective voice of women business owners across the country and advocate on behalf of their entrepreneurial interests. These women understood that the rules and laws being passed in Washington, D.C. and in state capitals across the country could either help or harm their ability to succeed in business. So they united in a mission to advocate with their elected officials on behalf of themselves and all women business owners. Today, nearly three-fourths of NAWBO members are classified as small business owners by the SBA.

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