Laura Yamanaka appointed as NAWBO Institute Board Chair

Jul 17, 2019 | Uncategorized

NAWBO Institute for Entrepreneurial Development Installs 2019-2020 National Board of Directors

Laura Yamanaka appointed as NAWBO Institute Board Chair.


Washington, D.C. (July 17, 2019) – The National Association of Women Business Owners Institute for Entrepreneurial Development (NAWBO Institute) has appointed Laura Yamanaka, Co-President of teamCFO, Inc. as Chair of the 2019-2020 Board of Directors. The NAWBO Institute formed out of the ever-present need to educate women on how to scale their businesses and strengthen their wealth-creating capacity. After creating an online learning platform for women business owners, the goal for this year is to put together a capacity building program as well as an online learning program for the Next Gen community.

“I have been a long-time champion of financial literacy for women business owners, and I am excited to bring the NAWBO resources to a variety of audiences, most importantly, young women who are aspiring business owners,” said Laura Yamanaka, NAWBO Institute Board Chair. “The entire NAWBO Institute Board has a wealth of knowledge that should be shared to help elevate women business owners across America, and I am eager to start working on how we can create a legacy of success for the next generation of women entrepreneurs.”

Laura Yamanaka is President and co-founder of teamCFO Inc., a financial and accounting firm offering CFO/Controller services to businesses and nonprofits. Since its inception in 2000, Laura and teamCFO have received several national and regional awards including the NAWBO Gillian Rudd Business Leadership Award, NAWBO-LA Leadership award, Asian Business Leadership Award by Wells Fargo/US Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce and the Women in Business and Accountant Advocate Award by the SBA.

A passion for education, helping others, and serving the community locally as well as nationally has also led to various volunteer efforts. Laura was also appointed to serve as a member of the SEC Advisory Committee on Small and Emerging Companies, Council Member of the National Women’s Business Council, a non-partisan advisory council to the President, Congress, and the U.S. Small Business Administration on economic issues of importance to women business owners. As a long-time champion of financial literacy for women business owners, Laura has lectured on the subject to diverse audiences, including young girls who are aspiring business women. Laura also has developed school-based programs to teach teamwork and facilitation skills to students – bringing effective business skills to the classroom.

The 2019-2020 NAWBO Institute Board represents a diverse set of business owners from across the country. The 2018-2019 NAWBO Institute Board of Directors will be comprised of: Laura Yamanaka – Chair, Crystal Arredondo, Darla Beggs, Kathy Warnick, Teresa Meares, Kelly Scanlon, and Jeanette Armbrust – Ex Officio.

The new board will be formally introduced to the business community at “Our Time is Now” the NAWBO Women’s Business Conference held October 13-15 in Jacksonville, Florida.




Founded in 1975, NAWBO is the unified voice of America’s more than 10 million women-owned businesses representing the fastest growing segment of the economy. NAWBO is the only dues-based organization representing the interests of all women entrepreneurs across all industries. NAWBO develops programs that help navigate women entrepreneurs through the various stages of their business growth. To learn more, please visit

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