How Doing Good Is Good For Business

Nov 8, 2016 | Uncategorized

One of the greatest joys of running a successful business is being able to give to important causes—whether it’s through a donation of volunteer time, products, services or money. And it’s a win-win: Nonprofits and charities are always looking for organizations to support their cause, and giving to their cause is not only a “nice” thing to do; it can also benefit your business in a big way…and not just in the form of an important tax-deduction. Here’s how:

  • Reputation: Charitable companies often earn a reputation as being “good” companies, and people are more likely to buy from “good” companies.
  • Publicity: Let’s say your team is mentoring at-risk youth or helping to feed the homeless. The media loves a good human interest story and your company can be part of it. You can also share news and photos on social media, and ask the organization to include your logo on their website or on event signage.
  • Values: What better way to show your company values than to live them? Giving to a cause is a great way to broadcast to the world what you and your employees value most.
  • Talent: People want to work for companies that do good, whether it’s donating money or encouraging employees to volunteer. Creating a culture of giving can go a long way toward attracting and retaining talent.
  • Awareness: Do you have a friend or family member who is battling cancer? Or a child with autism? Your business’ support can raise valuable awareness for the causes that are close to your heart.
  • Networking: Interacting with nonprofits and charitable organizations in your community is a great way to meet new friends who share your same values. These people could become future customers or a great source for referrals.
  • Relationships: Your employees aren’t the only ones who want to see you give. Customers also like businesses who care—in fact, socially conscious consumers prefer to buy from companies that give back.


NAWBO Members Share Causes Close to Their Hearts

Ranjani Mohana“In San Francisco, I’m enrolled with a group that treats kids who have suffered from trafficking, namely in my country of India. We do fundraising, collaborating, brainstorming ways to help and much more. It’s a cause that’s very close to my heart.” Ranjani Mohana, President & CEO of R Mo Business Solutions and member of NAWBO-San Francisco Bay Area

“I have been very involved in finding great education resources in my area. I have a child with special educational needs, and I’ve been working really hard to make sure that all the resources are available to us, and it hasn’t been an easy process. This affects the whole community, and I want everyone who needs these resources to have them made available.” Deanna Novak, Chief Heritage Officer of My Heritage Book and member of NAWBO-Orlando

“Mental health, because good mental health is not a natural or learned sport. I teach people mental health skills because I know how important it is for people to practice and strengthen these skills.”Tina Greenbaum, LCSWm Optimal Performance Coach with Mastery Under Pressure and chapter leader with NAWBO-San Francisco Bay Area 

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