Here’s to Fresh Starts!

Jan 20, 2021 | Uncategorized

“I want every day to be a fresh start on expanding what is possible.”  Oprah Winfrey


There’s nothing like a new year to signal a fresh start—something all of us can use after 2020 tested our grit, adaptability, creativity and bravery in ways we never imagined possible.

It’s because a new year is like a blank canvas to paint…a new chapter to write…an untouched trail to blaze, and it’s up to each of us as women business owners to dream big, plan for success and then go for it.

What are you going to do with your fresh start?

To help you get ready, an article from offers these tips:

Clear Your Desk

This may sound silly, but it may be the best piece of advice you receive all year. Get rid of all the paper on your desk. File or scan what you need and throw away the rest. When you de-clutter your workspace, you automatically clear your mind, allowing you to focus on what’s important. It’s like having a fresh start every day.

Set Your Goals

If you haven’t yet set goals for the year, now is the time. This is one of the most important things you’ll do all year long. For goals to work, remember they must be specific, measurable, have a time limit and be in writing. And while you’re at it, set some financial, spiritual, physical, intellectual, family and social goals too.

Create Your Calendar

Want to keep your goals top of mind and moving forward? Then you have to put absolutely everything on your calendar, or you’ll never find enough time. That doesn’t just mean business events, projects and proposals. Schedule time for rest, recreation, exercise and relationships as well.

Connect Around Goals

Schedule a few hours to really connect with key team members to come up with a game plan to achieve your new goals. After all, it’s a total team effort. This dedicated time will allow creativity and productivity to flow. Even better? No outside phone calls or emails.

Plan for Any New Hires

Now that you have your goals in place and you’ve come up with a game plan, ask yourself if your staffing is adequate to turn them into a reality. If not, what strategic hires might you need to make? In this time of COVID-19, it’s important to address this well ahead of the need.

Plan to Grow Your Leadership

Your business grows when you do. Without a plan to make that happen, time can slip away and so can some of your business dreams. Don’t let that happen this year! Start 2021 off strong with a plan to become an even better leader.

Luckily for NAWBO and our extended community of women entrepreneurs, our virtual Leadership Academy is happening February 4-5. It will advance your leadership through inspirational and educational sessions plus opportunities to connect with this amazing community of women entrepreneurs. I hope to see you there!

Meanwhile, here’s to your fresh start—wherever it takes you!

—Cristina Morales Heaney
  2020-2021 NAWBO National Board Chair

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