Helen Kim Knows That Chasing Your Dreams Is No Small Thing

Jun 13, 2018 | Uncategorized


Chasing your dreams as an entrepreneur is no small thing—something that Helen (Hyun) Kim knows all about. As this year’s NAWBO National annual No Small Thing video contest winner, she beautifully captured the challenge and importance of dreaming big to reach new heights.

With nearly two decades of experience in the video and photography industry, Helen always dreamed of working for herself. She also aspired to bring quality products to clients with limited budgets, mainly small businesses and non-profit organizations. After years of dreaming, Helen decided to take the plunge and started Blue Lemon Productions last year. “It was hard to venture into a journey that was unknown,” she says. “But I figured it was now or never—it was a dream growing in my heart and I decided to go for it.”

When a friend invited Helen to a NAWBO meeting, she was immediately inspired by the women business owners and the support NAWBO brings to entrepreneurs of all sizes. “I liked the focus on leadership and growth, not just networking. They have a wealth of resources to get me equipped for the business side of it,” she says.

After spending time on the NAWBO website to become a member, Helen saw the promotion for the video contest and decided to go for it. “The topic spoke to my heart and aligned with the vision I had,” she says. “A lot of small businesses feel that their story is too small compared to bigger competitors. That’s just not true. They settle for less than ideal and are fearful of really dreaming big. Every story is significant. Your brand or store or company can make a difference.”

With just a week before the deadline, Helen decided to submit a video for this year’s contest as a way to encourage others out there to share their story—big or small. “You can always encourage someone else out there,” she says. “Winning or losing, you can add a lot of value by getting your message out there. Who knows—you might win!”

As for being selected as this year’s winner, Helen says she was in disbelief when she found out. “It was surreal! I really did it to encourage others, so this was icing on the cake,” she says. “It was wonderful. It was surreal for me and a great start to my journey with NAWBO. I’m not very good at getting myself out there, but because of this, people are coming to find out more about me. It was a great way to plunge in.”

Learn more about Helen’s business Blue Lemon Productions here: https://www.bluelemonaz.com


Also, celebrate this year’s finalists: Teresa Crockett, Sugarbowl Creative, and Mary Cravets, Marycravets.com. 


“I joined NAWBO in the last year and a member told me about the contest. With video being my business, I thought it would be a great way to showcase my skills to the women in my NAWBO chapter.” —Teresa

“This year, one of my goals is to show up and be seen in a bigger way. NAWBO has a pretty big stage, so the No Small Thing contest was a great way to keep my commitment to myself!” —Mary


“I learned that my story of needing help and asking for it is very common but all too easily overlooked. People needed to hear this message again!” ­­—Teresa

“I tend to be very practical in business, and sometimes forget to let my enthusiasm and my heart show. Watching the video after 74 failed takes (no exaggeration), I was reminded to not be afraid to unleash my enthusiasm…it’s contagious!” —Mary


“I am so happy to highlight my abilities and the NAWBO-Cleveland chapter! These ladies have been very supportive.” —Teresa

“It feels amazing! On the practical side of things (See? There I go again…), the exposure for my business is amazing. Because nearly all NAWBO members want to generate more clients without working nights and weekends—my specialty—any opportunity to be in front of a big NAWBO audience is invaluable. On the less practical side of things, one of my top core values is ‘impact.’ This video allowed me to have a positive impact on anyone who watched it. Inspiring people I’ve never met is one of my greatest joys!” —Mary



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