Heading Toward Burnout? Steer Clear With These Six Tips

Jul 17, 2019 | Uncategorized

Do you feel like you’re running on empty by the time you get home? Has the feeling of satisfaction you used to get after accomplishing a big goal disappeared and does it seem like there’s not enough time in the day to spend with loved ones? If so, then you may be experiencing the effects of what 77% of small business owners go through on a regular basis—job burnout.

While it’s important for business owners to have a passion for their business, too much time in the office can oftentimes do more harm than good. But rest assured, there are plenty of ways you can relieve or avoid stress from creeping up and disrupting your personal and professional lives. Here are six tips you can implement today!

Stop and breathe

Even if it feels like you’ve got a million things on your plate, it’s essential to take a moment to put everything aside and take a few deep breaths. Practicing mindfulness, the act of focusing on each breath, helps put things in perspective, relieves stress and can even lower blood pressure.

List out your priorities

It’s easy to look at your to-do list on any given day and instantly become overwhelmed with how much needs to get done. The good news is that not everything usually needs to be completed at the same time. Break your list down by multiple segments, based either on priority or deadline.

Don’t try and multitask

While it may be enticing to work on several projects at the same time, this type of approach actually makes us less effective at our job. According to the Harvard Business Journal, long-term memory, efficiency and creativity all decrease significantly when people try to handle multiple tasks at once. If your focus starts to diminish during the day, put down what you’re doing and turn your full attention to a new task. 

Take some time off

Scheduling a vacation or weekend getaway may seem impossible if you’re drowning in work, but taking just a couple days off could be the thing you need to reset yourself and reignite your passion. Taking a vacation can also increase productivity and creativity, improve relationships and give you a chance to assess your goals. Even if there’s no one to take your place, you can always stay in touch with team members through phone or email.

Don’t forget about self-care

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in hitting deadlines that we forget about the necessities of a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and committing to a regular exercise routine may seem too good to be true, but it’s crucial to your mental and physical health. If you know you’ll be in meetings all day, plan ahead by preparing your food for the day the night before and try squeezing in a morning workout before starting your work day.   

Seek support from your NAWBO sisters

When it comes to feeling stressed and overwhelmed, it’s likely that other NAWBO members have been in your shoes and can lend some valuable words of advice. Reach out to your local chapter members and ask how they stay motivated and overcome obstacles. It’ll feel reassuring knowing you’re not alone.

5 Signs You May Be Getting Burnt Out

∙ Stuck in a mental fog
∙ Reduced performance  
∙ Can’t stop getting sick
∙ Prolonged tiredness
∙ Small things make you irritable

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