Why Certification? Why Now?

Why Certification? Why Now?

  When I saw that the September issue of NAWBO ONE was about certification—a topic very close to my entrepreneurial heart—you can imagine my excitement. I’ve spent years working on different sides of the government contracting arena where certification is key, first...
You’ve Got the Brains to Power Your Marketing

You’ve Got the Brains to Power Your Marketing

Whether it’s print or digital marketing, social media or public relations, a remarkable number of studies that have been conducted in recent years indicate women marketers outperform men. As one male marketing executive who teaches brand management to MBA students...
When You Power Your Voice, It Powers Us All

When You Power Your Voice, It Powers Us All

  “When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.”—Malala Yousafzai If one woman speaking out on a cause or issue she cares about can create an impact, imagine the power of more than 100 women’s voices when NAWBO National recently headed to Capitol...
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