Stepping Up For One Another

Stepping Up For One Another

  I’ve seen NAWBO do so much for so many over the years—including myself—from connecting us with resources, to developing our leadership, to strengthening our voices, to inspiring us to reach higher and farther. And still, I’ve never experienced anything like I’m...
Stars Can’t Shine Without Darkness

Stars Can’t Shine Without Darkness

  There’s an anonymous quote that says, “Stars can’t shine without darkness”—and as I look around our community of thousands of women business owners across the nation, I am so heartened and inspired by all the examples of women shining bright in the face of...
Numbers Don’t Lie (So Be Sure to Know Yours)

Numbers Don’t Lie (So Be Sure to Know Yours)

  If numbers don’t lie and they tell a story (and they do), there’s no time like the present to know your business numbers as we push through the heart of tax season and work to lessen the impacts of an unexpected health crisis.  In a recent article by Allison Maslin,...
Your Business Success Story Starts With You and Your Health

Your Business Success Story Starts With You and Your Health

You’ve no doubt heard it before: Health is wealth. Ask any woman business owner who has faced a health struggle—whether it’s a serious disease diagnosis or extreme stress and exhaustion from long hours and travel—and she’ll tell you it’s difficult, sometimes...
Take Stock, and Make It a Great Year!

Take Stock, and Make It a Great Year!

As women business owners, we’re constantly dreaming big, setting goals, working to power those goals and assessing wins and areas for adjustment. Still, there’s nothing like the end of a year to take stock in a big way—a way that not only makes us feel proud of how...
Serving Yourself and Others at the Same Time

Serving Yourself and Others at the Same Time

“You have two hands. One to help yourself, the second to help others.”—Audrey Hepburn The phrase “servant leader” brings to my mind images of Mother Teresa feeding the hungry or Susan B. Anthony pioneering women’s suffrage. But in actuality, there are servant leaders...
Our Time Is Now to Think Bigger and Reach Higher

Our Time Is Now to Think Bigger and Reach Higher

Every once in awhile, we all feel it: Things are coming together and falling into place for something very big to happen. For women business owners and women in general, that time feels a lot like now. As women business owners, we are starting and growing companies at...
More Courageous Than You Think

More Courageous Than You Think

Courage is faith in our convictions that there is more out there; there is a better way and we have the power to make it happen. It’s not being afraid to abandon the orthodox way of doing things and leave the comfort of the known to venture into new territory. It took...
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