Get the Big Picture of Your Business Technology

Oct 29, 2021 | Uncategorized

Having “big picture” thinking is smart in business—and that includes all of your business technology. You have a server, for instance, but what can you use it for? Is your networking bandwidth too slow and can you better manage it? Do you have enough storage for now and the future? And how can you protect your business from cyber-attacks? In a breakout session at this month’s Virtual National Women’s Business Conference, Katy Drozd, a solutions specialist at Dell Technologies, answered these questions and more. Here are some things to consider as you take the next steps in your IT hardware journey:

Server: This ia a large-scale computer used to deliver applications or files to an end user or client device through a network. Whereas a computer is a one-on-one experience, a server is a much larger machine with centralized management that delivers data to groups of employees, consumers, etc. It has multiple behaviors, including image and web hosting and print communication. Some businesses need just one server; others need many. The benefits include: Servers are easy to manage, save time and are secure and dependable.

Networking: A proper network in business is a critical key, especially in today’s technology-driven environment. Networking impacts things like speed, time and application delivery. No one likes seeing the loading circle and waiting and waiting. Employees and customers are no longer used to that. Your routers, cable, Internet, bandwidth and power over Ethernet can all be tied back into networking. Think of networking as a highway: If you have too much going through that highway and it’s causing congestion, you need to make it bigger (the size and speed of your network).

Storage: This is not just storage on a laptop or server; in most cases, it’s the backbone for your business success. The most common terms for storage you have on a computer, multiple computers or a server are data, files, applications, Cloud and backup. Consider how much storage you currently have and how much you plan on growing your business, which will dictate how much storage you’ll need. The bottom line is you don’t want to run out. A storage array or two that connect to your network can expand as needed and will protect you.

Security: Small businesses are the target of 43 percent of all cyber-attacks, which makes security incredibly important. A data breach can make consumers and employees feel uncomfortable buying from and working for you, so you have to do everything within your power to protect it. You can avoid malware, ransomware, hackers and data breaches through tools like a firewall and backup and data protection software. Security is also an important component of your business’ disaster recovery plan in case a natural disaster compromises your data.


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