
Cultivate: The Power of Winning Relationships by Morag Barrett

Jun 9, 2016 | Books We Love

Cultivate: The Power of Winning Relationships by Morag BarrettRegardless of what industry you’re in, you’ve likely been faced with office politics or a challenging colleague’s words or actions. Some may brush this off as a personal dilemma, but NAWBO member Morag Barrett would argue that these situations are closely tied to our professional and business success.

In her book, Cultivate: The Power of Winning Relationships, Barrett shares personal examples of ways our working relationships impact our performance, synergy and ability to thrive as a team. Referencing her past business experience, Barrett writes, “ Yes, having fun and feeling satisfied with relationships at work are important! For many of us, the hours we spend at work far exceed the time we spend with our families or in social settings. So why not actually enjoy this massive part of our lives? Working respectfully is not a win/lose power struggle. Nor is it ‘soft’ to have a conversation about how you work together. When you cultivate winning relationships, everyone involved can benefit—especially you.”

Barrett offers a practical framework to identify and “diagnose the health” of our critical relationships. She shares insights into the importance of forming “Ally Relationships” to cultivate positive change, navigate complicated relationships and drive business results to achieve success. Regardless of professional position or industry, Cultivate offers real-world insights into ways we can all improve communication to enhance relationships in every aspect of our lives. 

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