
Celebrate NAWBO’s 45th Birthday With Us!

Aug 7, 2020 | Uncategorized


We are excited to celebrate the 45th birthday of our organization! NAWBO has been on the frontlines advocating for women business owners since the ‘70s. Now, we celebrate the past, present and future of this organization. We invite you to celebrate with us for a week of festivities June 15-19.

Below you’ll find agenda highlights:

  • Daily giveaways of Southwest Airlines vouchers (Monday-Thursday, 1 winner daily) and a grand prize giveaway of a National Women’s Business Conference (WBC) registration (Friday, 1 winner)
  • Social media contest where every time you post, you are entered to win a ½ page ad in the WBC 2020 program book (3 winners)
  • Board installation, greetings from your new National Chair, Virtual Lunch & Learn, Facebook Lives and more!

Also, as part of this celebration, we are encouraging “birthday gifts” to NAWBO in support of our mission. Each NAWBO chapter will receive 50% of all proceeds of gifts from their chapter members.

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