Be Courageous at Every Stage of the Journey

Jul 16, 2024 | National Blog

It takes tremendous courage as women entrepreneurs to start, scale and grow a business. And especially when you are thinking of selling it and start an exit strategy.  It helps us to face uncertainty, take risks and overcome obstacles—all key for business growth and longevity—on a path that is often filled with unknowns and pressure to stand out and succeed, or sometimes just to survive.

As courageous women entrepreneurs, we can better identify opportunities, create innovative solutions and stay the course, even when things seem to be very challenging and unsustainable. This courage can also translate into confidence and positivity, where we perceive setbacks as part of the journey and even as opportunities.

As with any skill, courage can be learned and developed through commitment and intentional effort. It takes leaning into our discomfort, because that’s where the magic happens, and learning from our actions.

Here are a few ideas that have worked for me to develop more courage as a woman business owner:

  • Own and understand your fears: Fear is a natural response. Identify what makes you feel fearful and accept that failure is a possibility. Minimize fear-based decisions while you take action.
  • Take chances: Explore options, assess risks, try new things and lead by example. If you are not leading with fear, then trust yourself in these moments.
  • Learn from every situation: Try to avoid just “going through the motions of life.”  Stop to study what works and what doesn’t work, understand all possibilities and viewpoints, and be courageous to try new things or a different way. You’ll build courage by being intentional about learning while you inspire those around you as you lead with strength.
  • Detach from outcomes: It is hard to let go of the outcome that you want. Sometimes our “attachment to outcomes” is rooted in fear. Letting go of that provides for more peace and ultimately more courage as you get through your challenges.
  • Pause to celebrate: Recognizing and celebrating your success is a major confidence booster. Celebrate things big and small, and especially if things didn’t go as you planned, you likely still made a positive difference.
  • Be resilient: Talk about your mistakes and failures. Be compassionate with yourself and avoid negative self-talk. Learn to be flexible and nimble with tough situations while staying focused on your long-term goals.

At NAWBO, there are so many opportunities to develop courage right here in our own community. It takes courage to apply to be a guest on the new NAWBO on the Go podcast or to submit a thought leadership piece for an e-publication like NAWBO ONE. It takes courage to self-nominate for an award, to serve on a local chapter board or a national committee. It takes courage to just show up to a national event or to be vulnerable with other Fall Retreat attendees.

The amazing thing about NAWBO is we’re all in this together. We “get” one another and understand the journey. We want to see each other succeed and will do what we can for our NAWBO sisters. I know I feel more courageous because of the incredible women I am supported by through this beautiful organization. I hope you feel the same as you face uncertainty, take risks, overcome obstacles and ultimately have the courage to be the unique and powerful woman business owner that you are—especially because you belong with NAWBO.

Much Aloha!

—Dr. Janis Shinkawa
2024-2025 NAWBO National Board Chair
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