Women Business Owners Find Facebook Helps to Elevate Their Business

Washington, D.C. (March 16, 2020)— In celebration of Women’s History Month, the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) is proud to highlight the Small Businesses (SMBs) Survey titled “How Social Media Tools Benefit Small Businesses” from our partners at...

It’s a New Year to Engage and Advocate

A new year is the chance to start a fresh page and embrace the possibility of new things. We hope you’ll look at NAWBO in much the same way in 2013. It’s a year where we have moved beyond the fiscal cliff for now, but still face slow economic recovery and uncertainty...

Touching The Next Generation

As successful women entrepreneurs, it’s an honor and an obligation to nurture the next generation of entrepreneurs, especially young women and girls. YEA! (The Young Entrepreneurs Academy) that is redefining entrepreneurship education in America presents a tremendous...

NAWBO Boards Are Great Places For Servant Leaders

At last month’s NAWBO Women’s Business Conference, our current, past and incoming presidents were invited to stay on through Saturday for a very special event in their honor. We had invited Joe Iarocci, CEO of the Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership,...

NAWBO Congressional Score Card

NAWBO provides its members with a Congressional Score Card designed to provide members with information on pieces of legislation voted on in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate that may have an impact on their businesses. Check back for the 2016 Score Card.
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