A Season of Thanks, Hopes and Dreams

Dec 12, 2012 | Advocacy, Uncategorized

The holidays are always such a great time of year—a time to look appreciatively at all that we have and how far we have come both personally and professionally, and to think about our hopes and dreams for the New Year.

On behalf of the entire NAWBO® team, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and healthy holiday season. We are so appreciative that our members continue to turn to us, and to one another, for inspiration, advice and resources, and to all our partners for their generous support of NAWBO and the entire women’s entrepreneurial community. We could not do everything we do—from advocacy to education and more—without each of you.

At the same time, I am excited about new things NAWBO is planning for you in 2013. I hope you’ll take advantage of every opportunity to strengthen and grow your business, including:

  • New E-Learning Webinar Series: The NAWBO Institute for Entrepreneurial Development, NAWBO’s non-profit educational foundation, received a generous donation from The Sara Blakely Foundation. This donation is enabling us to develop an e-learning webinar series to address the unique needs and challenges of women-owned businesses.
  • America’s Small Business Summit: For the second year in a row, NAWBO will partner with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Latino Coalition to co-sponsor America’s Small Business Summit in Washington, DC. Here, small businesses and chamber and association executives from across the country join together to network, learn from business experts and advocate for pro-business policies.
  • Women’s Business Conference 2013: Last year, we inspired you to START SOMETHING to innovate, advocate and grow your business. This year, we are planning to build on the momentum we created with more great speakers and breakout sessions to benefit you and your business. Stay tuned as we unveil the conference theme and location in coming weeks.
  • Leadership Boot Camps: At NAWBO, we know we are only as strong as our leadership in chapters across the country who carry out our mission with women business owners, corporate partners and the overall business community in their respective areas. We are planning two Leadership Boot Camp events for 2013—one on February 25th in Dallas, TX and the other on May 7th in Orange County, CA.

My very best wishes this holiday season and in 2013,

—Diane Tomb, NAWBO National President & CEO

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