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A Message From Our President: Mentoring the Next Generation

Growing up, I never really had anyone to look up to. Not only that, but when I made up my mind and needed advice about going to nursing school, the high school counselor turned me away, leaving me so discouraged and unsure that I didn’t enroll in college until many...

Member Spotlight – Beyond Your Business

Have you thought about life beyond your business? Experts suggest planning for your exit strategy from day one in your business. What value have you gained from planning for your exit? Aisha Murff, Haire’s Gulf Shrimp I’ve certainly had to consider life beyond my...

Member Spotlight: Mentoring the Next Generation

NAWBO has always emphasized the importance of women business owners (WBOs) lifting up other female entrepreneurs for success. The pandemic has more women starting their own businesses than any other time in our history, which is a great opportunity to guide and...

Member Spotlights: New Year, New Team

Working to recruit and retain a stellar workforce is critical for entrepreneurial growth. We know that many of our NAWBO members tell us that this is their most challenging struggle. What advice do you have for our members to start the New Year off on the right foot...

A Message From Our President: New Year, New Team

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It’s been a wildly eventful couple of years, and 2021 has felt endless at times. As the holidays come to an end and we celebrate the arrival of 2022, I want to take this moment to wish you a very peaceful, fruitful and relaxing New Year. No matter how...

Member Insights – Technology

From data storage and social media to digital payment solutions and productivity apps, technology can help us better compete with companies of all sizes to grow. How has technology benefitted you most during the pandemic?   Mary K. Davenport TransTechIT Staffing   "We...

A Message From Our President: Looking Back on 2021

Happy December! I don’t know about you, but I still find myself asking what year it is! After making it through 2021, working harder to get things done, connecting with people via Zoom, and facing numerous unforeseen challenges, I wish we could go back and erase the...

A Message from Our President: Leading the Way

Welcome to May! With spring in bloom and vaccination distribution well underway, we are beginning to see glimpses of normalcy. I hope you are noticing the tide changing, as well.  This month, we are talking about leadership – as a quality, a skillset and a frame of...

A Message From Our President

A Message From Our President

  The days are getting shorter and colder, but we still have time left in this year. For many businesses, this year has been incredibly tough and there is a temptation to want to wish away the rest of 2020 to get to the new year. But Q4 is a crucial period. In keeping...

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