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More Courageous Than You Think

Courage is faith in our convictions that there is more out there, that there is a better way and we have the power to make it happen. It’s being unafraid to abandon the orthodox way of doing things and leave the comfort of the known to venture into new territory. It...

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Listening is Leading: A Conversation with Edie Comminos

Ask her how she’s feeling as she takes the reins as NAWBO Chicago’s incoming president, and Edie Comminos gives a warm, honest answer. “It seemed soooo far off 18 months ago when I said yes!” she says with a laugh. “Now that it’s actually here, I’m excited and...

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Don’t Burn Out, Burn Even Brighter

“I’m up to my eyeballs.” “I’m exhausted.” “I feel like I have to do everything myself.” Have you ever uttered these sentiments? Or something similar? The life of a woman business owner can be hectic and overwhelming at times, whether you are a solopreneur working out...

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Farewell from President

Farewell from President

Dear NAWBO Chicago, I want to thank you for one of the best years of my life. Serving as President was one of the most rewarding jobs I have ever had, and I am so proud of this group that I led and represented each day. Throughout the year I was humbled and awed by...

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Celebrating the Beauty of Small Business

National Small Business Week starts this Sunday, May 5 – making this the perfect time to recognize women entrepreneurs everywhere who are launching bold concepts and creating fresh opportunities for all of us.  We hope you’re planning to join us at the iconic Palmer...

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Why NAWBO? Just Ask Our Amazing Members

There are literally millions of reasons that NAWBO membership makes a life-changing difference for women business owners. That’s because every member’s story is different – revealing the unique value she finds in belonging. Christine Taylor was searching for knowledge...

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5 Ways an Accountability Partner Can Help You Excel in 2019

Welcome to a brand new year! As you look at the calendar and think of all the possibilities ahead, what comes to mind? Do you feel confident in turning your ideas into reality? Of all the steps you can take right now to ensure your personal and professional success...

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Media Release: Patricia Porrey and Pamela Jones Write Book

Authors Patricia Porrey and Pamela Jones Give Back to the Community by Offering a FREE Copy of Raising Confident Parents to Their Website Visitors Patricia Porrey, CPD, and Pamela Jones, RN, are generously offering a free copy of their new book, Raising Confident...

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