A Message from Our President: People Matters

Mar 31, 2021

Happy March! We are so excited (and relieved) that Spring is finally upon us!

The theme this month is “People Matters” and we’re focusing in on HR-related companies and topics such as staffing, recruiting, training, leadership development and more!

It goes without saying that people are the backbone of the company and, therefore, they certainly matter to us. When hiring new team members, it’s important to make sure they know that they matter – to you, to their coworkers, and to the company.

Investing in your employees means so much more than just checking on their performance. It means inclusion and making them feel like a part of the family, sharing in their successes and celebrations while also being there for them through their defeats and difficulties. Especially in this period of increased stress (as we all evaluate the current workforce and the future of work in post-COVID times), it’s absolutely essential to make sure that your team knows their value, not only as employees but as people, too! 

Some of your team may have been with you since before the work-from-home era, and some may have started remotely. Yours may be one of the companies that never left the office, or maybe it has always been a remote business. Whatever your unique situation, cultivating a welcoming and friendly culture for your employees is crucial to keeping a happy staff. And remember that work is a part of life for your employees (just like it is for you), so being cognizant of that and being there for your team through all of life’s ups and downs is important.

We are all people. We all matter. And we all have beautiful lives apart from the lives we lead during the workday. Remember that we are all happier and healthier when we look out for each other, and whether you work in staffing, recruiting, training, leadership development, or whatever the case may be, there is always room to bring the “People Matters” value into the workplace.

We’re all in this together, and while COVID has been so hard for everyone, 2021 is a chance to remind our team that they’re not alone in whatever challenges they’re battling, and that together, we can accomplish so much and keep marching forward in strength and love.

We sincerely hope that your family, employees, and everyone around you are doing well. While we navigate uncertain times, NAWBO is here to support you and your community.

Stronger Together!

Elizabeth Colón

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