The Magic of Gratitude and Giving Extends Far Beyond the Holidays

Dec 4, 2018

As we’ve arrived at the holiday season of giving and gratitude, it’s the perfect time to reflect and thank those who have given so much of themselves – their time, talents, advice, collaboration – to support us in our efforts to succeed (or even just survive the week). While at the same time, thinking about those people whom we have been able to help in some way by sharing our own knowledge, resources, connections, etc., as they navigate through their journeys.  

This giving and receiving is what makes NAWBO so valuable. It doesn’t really take much to be reminded that we are surrounded by brilliant minds, caring souls, kind hearts, generous spirits and giving people. NAWBO members holistically embody this spirit throughout the year, sometimes not even realizing their impact.   

Like-minded women from all fields and backgrounds join (and renew) because of the value of NAWBO and its membership. There is a feeling of strong community, of warmth, trust and welcome inclusion. There is a cohesion of shared values and partnership regardless of an individual’s demographics, industry, size of their business, or where they currently are on their business trajectory.

To some, this can be a mind-blowing discovery: a jackpot of talent and resources to guide us through the challenges and around the roadblocks to stay on the path of success. To others, it’s a remarkable relief to find a group of peers who have been there/done that, who walk the walk, who have the same concerns and stresses. And to others, it represents an alliance of friendship, opportunity and support.

To all, though, it’s an amazing gift.

Upon joining and really experiencing NAWBO, we come to understand immediately that people innately want to help one another, to find ways to do business with each other, to impart wisdom, to learn, to inspire, and to develop lasting relationships – often of significant mutual benefit.

There is a subconscious human desire to help others based on our past experiences, and women are even more compassionate and passionate in their sharing. NAWBO is made up of a vast pool of talent to tap into for help and support, for spring-boarding ideas and for making strategic introductions via shared contact lists.

Jennifer Kraus (ENJEN Growth Advocates LLC) advises that you “leave self-doubt at the door and meet everybody. You’ll make connections and find amazing synergies, so learn about everyone because everyone is of value to you.”

NAWBO events allow us to meet more people and expand our web of associates. These opportunities are not just to socialize with peers or network with other business owners, but to connect, relate, lean on and support, all built on mutual trust and reliability.  As Mary Lawrence (Richards Graphic Communications) describes, “trust is the inherent fabric of NAWBO because we are all committed to each other.”

Anna Maria Viti-Welch (The Viti Companies) joined the organization for mentorship support and to get out of her comfort zone. “I then joined committees to meet more people who are now some of my closest relationships.” Each of our members are mentors who give of themselves through the benefit of their unique knowledge and experience, which motivates and encourages others.  This gift of self inspires the whole, sparks a wave of new energy, and has the power to create change on a vast scale.

The time we invest and commit to NAWBO is a gift of ourselves to this community. We are members not just to forge relationships in an effort to propel our businesses (and those of our peers), but to discover all that NAWBO provides – as a resource, as a community, as a voting bloc, et al – and what we can do to make the most of it (hint: effortless giving and receiving).

NAWBO membership is not about taking or exploiting; it’s about selflessly giving and receiving to maximize our relationships and available resources while sharing freely with others, which contributes to the success of each individual and the group as a whole.

That’s a gift.

It’s a valuable gift that we can be thankful for year-round as we continue to share with our fellow members. It should also be circulated and shared among all of our other associates and acquaintances so that it can consequently multiply for even more women to benefit from sharing, receiving, giving and contributing to each other.

NAWBO is a gift that is meant to be shared.

Have a safe and blessed holiday season, and a wonderful and prosperous New Year!

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