A Successful Business Story Starts With A Healthy You

Feb 4, 2020

As a woman business owner, your number one priority is running a successful company. Without success, there would be no business. But the real priority, which most of us rarely consider, should be you and your health. If you’re not operating at your best, how can you expect to run your best company?

It is so incredibly important to make sure you take good care of your mind, body and soul every day, not just when you are sick. In fact, studies consistently show a link between good physical health (healthy diet, regular exercise, enough sleep, etc.) and good mental health (decreased depression and stress) with increased productivity and creativity—both things needed to start and grow a strong business.

Teaching yourself to eat right, reduce stress, stay active and take time for yourself are essential for staying healthy and making you be your best self. Self-care is not always indulgent moments i.e. manis, pedis or mimosas. Self-care is:

  1. Taking a deep breath: There are proven benefits to controlled and mindful breathing. Breath control helps stave off stress, lowers blood pressure and increases your energy. 
  2. Exercising daily: The Department of Health and Human services recommends the average adult getting at least 150 minutes of moderate activity a week. If you break this up into small chunks throughout your week, it’s doable. 
  3. Sleep, sleep, sleep!: Sleep deprivation contributes to reduced decision-making ability and stunts creativity. You might get more done by burning the midnight oil, but at what cost? Aim for a solid eight hours each night, with consistent bedtime and morning wake-up routines.
  4. A healthy diet: Your food choices have a direct impact on cognitive performance, so choose wisely. Instead of reaching for the chocolate bowl, snack on some fresh fruit or veggies.
  5. Seeking human interaction: Loneliness can take a psychological toll on people. Take a moment to seek out meaningful human contact throughout your week
  6. Say no to others: Learning to say no is difficult, and many of us feel obligated to say yes when someone asks for our time or energy, especially as business owners. However, you’ll start to feel more empowered when you say no and take time for yourself.
  7. Treating yourself: Allow yourself to be rewarded for your hard work, whether it’s a weekend away or something as simple as your favorite take-out. There may be no one else around to celebrate your small victories but you.
  8. Get organized: Keep a planner or calendar handy to track all of your appointments and meetings. You can also create a space to keep your keys, briefcase, purse, etc. to make sure they’re ready to go for the next day.
  9. Schedule a time for self-care: As a business owner, it can be hard finding extra time in the day. But it’s so important to schedule some me time and step away from work for a bit. Whether it’s a solo dinner, relaxing bath or some shopping, make sure to schedule your dedicated self-care time. 

Check in with yourself often, maintain healthy relationships and engage in self-care.

At NAWBO, there’s nothing we love more than hearing a business success story. Just remember that your success story starts with YOU and your health.

—Edie Comminos, 2019-2020 President, NAWBO Chicago

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