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A Message From Our President

It was nearly ten months ago that I was seated as President, anxious yet confident – similar to that feeling of starting a new job. I was excited and hopeful to assist our talented and dedicated board to foster growth and strengthen the organization. Who could have...

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Self-Care Tips for Stressful Times

Stress has a significant impact – on the mind, the body, and on our emotional landscape – which causes us to react quickly, often without thinking of the effects of our reactions. While the sudden impact of COVID-19 is undoubtedly a stressor for all of us, managing...

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NAWBO Chicago COVID-19 Business Resources

At NAWBO Chicago, we have been working around the clock to stay on top of the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, recommendations and resources and to develop a plan that will support you and keep you connected during this challenging time. We are gathering...

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Numbers Don’t Lie (So Be Sure to Know Yours)

If numbers don’t lie and they tell a compelling story (and they do), there’s no time like the present to know your business numbers as we push through the heart of tax season and head into the 2nd quarter of the year. In fact, it’s critical to keeping your dream alive...

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A Successful Business Story Starts With A Healthy You

As a woman business owner, your number one priority is running a successful company. Without success, there would be no business. But the real priority, which most of us rarely consider, should be you and your health. If you’re not operating at your best, how can you...

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Here’s to a Great 2019 and an Even Better 2020!

As women business owners, we’re habitually dreaming big, setting goals, working to power those goals, and regularly assessing wins and areas for adjustment. And there’s nothing like the end of a year to take stock in a big way—a way that not only makes us feel proud...

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In the Service of Others

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “be the change you wish to see in the world.” To me, November conjures up thoughts and the smell of pumpkin, the rustle of leaves, flag football on the front lawn, family, and Thanksgiving – a time to remember the blessings in our...

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What It Means to Be a Servant Leader

What It Means to Be a Servant Leader

"Many people think of servant leadership only in relation to their NAWBO or other volunteer commitments. But servant leadership is more than a style of volunteerism.  While a long-standing concept, in today’s business world servant leadership is considered a highly...

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Our Time as Women Business Owners is Now

When I accepted the responsibility of becoming the next NAWBO Chicago President, I was a little bit scared to lead a group of strong, talented women. Having spent my entire career in male-dominated industries, the thought of serving the female entrepreneurial...

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How Can NAWBO Chicago Assist You?

The year is really flying by and I can’t believe we are already nearing the fourth fiscal quarter! While I’m not ready for summer to end, this is the right time to review the year and plan on where you want to be next year and in the next five years. Some of you may...

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