Nancy Wunderlich
Ergonomic Solutions┃Gonomix
- Role In NAWBO Chicago: North/West Connects Leader
- Years In Business: Five
- Company Location: Wauconda, Illinois
- Coffee Order: Decaf, black – A bit boring but trust me, no one wants to see me jacked up on caffeine! Honestly, even though I drink decaf, I still need my coffee in the morning to get the day started properly.
- Dream Vacation: Villa on the water in Greece or Italy, or basically anywhere on the water that’s warm.
Why did you join NAWBO Chicago and what has been your experience belonging to the organization?
I joined NAWBO in the middle of COVID when I was really missing connection with other business owners, especially women business owners. The Zoom Connects groups definitely contributed to keeping sane during those days. It was nice being able to finally meet people in person after COVID, and our monthly in person North/West Connects groups are a much-needed break. We have often talked in the group about how it is not only self-care, but also gives us an opportunity to work on our businesses and not just in them, something I don’t always have time to do.
How do you recommend members make the most of their NAWBO Chicago membership?
I respect everyone’s choice about how involved they want to be in NAWBO Chicago. However, in my experience, it becomes more meaningful and fruitful the more involved you become. I have appreciated the opportunities to network and converse with fellow women business owners at various Connects groups. I’ve also taken advantage of some of the educational webinars, and Chicago-wide events. Moving forward, I plan to attend even more of the larger events with the goal of spreading my networking opportunities. I have enjoyed getting to know women from all sorts of backgrounds with such an interesting array of businesses and experiences.
The organization’s long history and ongoing advocacy for advancing women owned businesses makes it an organization I am proud to be a part of.