Ready, Set, Sell in Chicago

Jan 4, 2023

Every woman business owner has a product or service that they’re responsible for selling. But are all “natural” salespeople? Even if you are not officially in a salesperson role in your organization today, it’s important to always think like one since sales are critical to business success.

“Nothing happens in the world without someone selling something.” —Zig Ziglar

Natural salespeople have a few common characteristics. They’re not easily embarrassed or overly self-conscious. They approach situations with a positive attitude and are problem solvers. They are also curious, competitive and have the ability to communicate.

Other important characteristics tend to be considered more feminine, like the ability to nurture relationships and act with empathy and authenticity. Perhaps that’s why despite women holding only 29 percent of sales rep and 26 percent of sales management positions in companies, they outperform their male counterparts according to a survey by Xactly. On average, 86 percent of these female sales professionals achieved their sales goals compared to 78 percent of men.

Still, what if some of these characteristics simply aren’t part of your DNA as a woman business owner? There are a few things you can do to get ready and set to sell:

Have less fear: Fear of rejection, judgment, embarrassment—the list can go on and on. Most fears, though, are just in your mind. As you work to overcome any you may have, consider this: while no one wants to be sold, everyone loves to get a good deal, service and value.

Build your confidence: As a woman business owner, it’s an absolute must that you believe in what you’re building and selling. You are your company’s biggest fan and best ambassador and your confidence will flow through your team

Learn and grow: Work on getting better at sales like you would any form of self-improvement, like going to the gym. Do a little bit each day or week and you’ll see results. Always work to talk to more people and look for educational opportunities to grow.

Wear your passion: You can develop and cultivate business relationships any time and in all kinds of settings. Wear your passion for your company on your sleeve. Before you know it, a person you met at the coffee shop might be in the market for exactly what you do or sell.

Know your customers. Knowledge is power and the more you know about your customers, the better positioned you will be to close the sale and serve them. Learn what they do and don’t like, cater to them and be open to evolving as their wants and needs change.

Be okay with rejection. When you want something, it can be frustrating and disappointing when you do not get it. But good salespeople understand that’s going to happen. Be okay with rejection. It’s nothing personal; it’s an opportunity to learn and be even better.

As you work to get ready and set to sell, NAWBO is here for you. Sales topics are often part of our NAWBO Connect and Learns that take place every other Tuesday. Also, bring your sales challenges to your peers for support during NAWBO Empower Hour happening weekly on Wednesday. Click here to explore all our latest no-cost virtual programming.

Lastly, we just came off an incredible National Women’s Business Conference experience in Louisville. In this issue of NAWBO ONE, we have articles on some of our top award winners. Be sure to check those out, then stay tuned for our November issue where we’re doing a complete conference recap, including some of the best inspiration and takeaways!

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