Our Time as Women Business Owners is Now

Oct 2, 2019

When I accepted the responsibility of becoming the next NAWBO Chicago President, I was a little bit scared to lead a group of strong, talented women. Having spent my entire career in male-dominated industries, the thought of serving the female entrepreneurial community seemed daunting. But then I met our wonderful members and realized just how strong our organization is. NAWBO Chicago is filled with inclusive, empowered WBOs. Within NAWBO, members find a safe-place to discuss the challenges of your business, family and balance. You can find a tribe of women supporting one another. 

I was reminded of our resilience when I attended the NAWBO Presidents Onboarding Training and Advocacy Day in June in Washington DC. I met with fellow NAWBO chapter presidents and executive directors from across the country and was inspired by the stories I heard of my fellow women business owners. I was more inspired by us coming together; it felt like things were falling into place for something big to happen. For women business owners and women in general, the moment feels like it’s happening now. Later this month I am attending the National Women’s Business Conference where the theme is Our Time is Now. I am looking forward to capitalizing on this momentous era with the next generation of women business owners.  

As women business owners, we are starting and growing companies at a faster pace than ever. According to the latest U.S. Census Bureau data:

  • WBOs own approximately 20 percent (1,118,863) of all employer businesses (5,601,758) nationwide
  • One quarter (289,326) of all women-owned employer firms are minority owned
  • Women-owned businesses generate $3.1 trillion in revenue

Women also have seats at more tables than ever, surrounded by smart, passionate, caring women—whether it’s in a boardroom of executives or around a conference table with local, state or national public policy influencers or makers. A record number of women won in the 2016 election. This year a record number attended NAWBO’s 2019 Advocacy Day to have their voices amplified and heard. Women business owners are rising up and taking their rightful seat at the table. Now is the time for us to come together and lift one another up.

  • Edie Comminos, NAWBO Chicago Chapter President

NAWBO Chicago Members Talk About Our Time is Now

“Our Time is Now is no different than ‘breaking the glass ceiling’.  Women business owners are stepping up and taking on roles that weren’t acceptable in the past.  We have realized that if we have been successful as mothers and wives, while juggling many other things, owning a business is not that much different.  Women business owners have a keen eye for nurturing and developing their talent, multitasking multiple things at once, and recognizing that when things are not going right, changes are needed because regardless of the number of employees you have, you see them as family. Our Time is Now is also in the boardroom, in C-Suites and in the community because together we are one,” said NAWBO Chicago President-Elect Elizabeth Colón, President and CEO at Metaphrasis.

“I just had this conversation with another woman business owner. Many of us have long standing careers with significant successes. It’s our time to be front and center: let our voices be heard, make an impact, do work that challenges us, work that is meaningful and does more than check a box. This is happening all around us and it’s energizing and hopeful,” said Ginna Ryan, Principal at Mauge, Inc.

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