Our Members Are Pivoting Their Businesses During COVID-19

Aug 7, 2020

NAWBO Chicago members are more resilient than ever and their businesses are adapting in the same way. Read more to learn how five women business owners have pivoted their companies in response to COVID-19.

Susan Gotham
The Synergies Companies, Inc. 

Be prepared to pivot, if necessary. Evaluate where your business is strongest and focus on that component and those clients while reducing or eliminating services that are hurting the bottom line. 

Lori Hilson
Essential Water Technologies

My main “Pearl of Wisdom” is to remind business leaders to Be Courageous; don’t let the fear overwhelm you.  

Mary Lawrence
Richard Graphics Communications, Inc. 

Reduce exposure: cut and rotate owner/management hours while staff is encouraged to work remotely. Office cleaned twice a week, lunchroom is closed, no outside salespeople or deliveries allowed inside the office.

Sue Rescigno
Resigno’s Fundraising Professionals

The strongest will survive.  In other words, those businesses who keep going, who look for opportunities and fight to stay alive—will.  And those that wait to see what happens will probably not make it.   As entrepreneurs we are fighters.

Judi Schindler
Schindler Communications

Reduce expenses and look for ways to offer new services (services that may have not existed before) to those clients who are still operating. For example, I noticed that Lettuce Entertain You is offering family meals of three courses three times a week for $150. Each meal from a different restaurant. I also saw that Potbelly is selling cold cuts in addition to premade sandwiches. The crisis may shut down existing lines of business but has opened up new ones we haven’t thought of before. 

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