Message From Our President June 2024

Jun 4, 2024

As I reflect on my tenure as President of the NAWBO Chicago chapter, I am filled with immense gratitude for my experience. Our journey together has been marked by growth, resilience and an unwavering commitment to empowering women entrepreneurs.

Today, I want to share some thoughts on the importance of having a voice, and how leadership and influence shape our paths.

Having a voice is not merely about speaking up; it’s about being heard, respected and making an impact. Each of us has a unique perspective shaped by our experiences, challenges and successes. It is through the sharing of these stories that we inspire and uplift one another. In our chapter, we are committed to creating a safe and supportive space where every voice matters, and every member’s contribution is valued.

Leadership is about more than holding a title; it’s about action, vision and the courage to drive change. Throughout my presidency, I have witnessed extraordinary examples of leadership within our community. Women who have stepped up to mentor, advocate for and support one another, often going above and beyond to ensure the success of their peers.

As business leaders, our decisions and behaviors have far-reaching implications. By leading with integrity, compassion and a commitment to excellence, we not only build successful businesses but also create a positive impact in our communities. Our influence extends beyond the boardroom; it touches the lives of our employees, clients, and everyone we interact with.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my role has been witnessing members taking on roles to serve our community in the midst of their own business growth and challenges. Seeing women step into their power, embrace their voices and take on leadership roles within NAWBO Chicago and beyond has been truly inspiring. We have a culture where women support each other, celebrate each other’s successes and lift each other up during challenging times.

As I pass the baton to incoming president, Angie Noll, I am confident that our chapter will continue to thrive. I encourage each of you to remain engaged, to use your voice and to take on leadership roles within our community. Remember, your influence can spark change and inspire others in ways you may not even realize.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your president. It has been an honor and a privilege to lead such an extraordinary group of women.

With gratitude and warmest regards,

Cheryl Vargas
NAWBO Chicago President
Creative in Chief of Art Studio 928

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