Member Spotlight – Ready, Set, Sell!

Oct 4, 2022

Sales are a big part of every business owner’s journey to growth and meeting goals. But many struggle with confidence and the fear of failing, and the past few years of great economic uncertainty have made sales that much more daunting. What tips can you share and what steps did you take in developing and cultivating a successful sales process?

Scout Driscoll, Founder and CEO of DesignScout

My branding and design agency, DesignScout, has helped hundreds of clients to design confident brands that connect with audiences on a human level. Because, after all, isn’t that what sales is about? Here are my top 5 tips for developing an effective sales process:

1. Network, network, network. Joining groups like NAWBO, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, and the 10th House has broadened my connections and helped me find brand champions coast-to-coast.

2. Lean into branding. Know your dream client or customer and define a messaging strategy that highlights exactly why they should work with you. Need help? Use our free brand-strategy brainstorm template.

3. Build awareness through curated social media posts on the right platforms that are authentic to your brand.

4. Work with a professional to help you hone your talking points and craft stunning presentations that highlight your offerings, experience and value. A well-crafted deck will show, not tell.

5. Know your numbers. Use a customer relationship management (CRM) service like HubSpot as a free solution for keeping track of your leads and outstanding proposals.

Nancy Wunderlich, President and CEO of Ergonomic Solutions

Sales is not something that I feel particularly comfortable doing; however, helping someone solve a problem is a specialty of mine. By changing my thought process from being a used car salesperson to someone providing valuable information has helped me approach sales from a whole new perspective. Showing up to every interaction ready to listen to someone’s needs can help me to focus more on the client and their concerns than myself (and my own nervousness). Remember, the sales process is about your customer. 

I have also redefined what success means in the sales process. Not every interaction results in a sale (in fact many do not), but that doesn’t mean I’ve failed. Gaining insight into why someone did not purchase my products, or having the opportunity to refine my pitch or connecting with someone new should be considered successes. 

Most importantly, practice makes you better! Keep trying and you will continue to grow into your sales role and increase your confidence.  

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