Member Spotlight – Power

Oct 3, 2023

Power can be about a lot of things in business, and it’s not always about position or control. It can be about having a strong voice in legislative decision making. Having influence in your industry or in groups to which you belong, like NAWBO Chicago. Having the clarity, confidence, and perseverance to keep pushing and growing in business. How do you apply and maintain power as a woman business owner?

Rosette Capito
Vice President, Capito Enterprises, Inc.

My power lies in knowledge – acquiring it and using it.  Being able to take action with the knowledge I’ve obtained has been an empowering experience.  Growing up I was good at memorizing information but timid in using the information because I was still second-guessing myself.  As my life experience grew, I found myself able to use the lessons more effectively and creatively, which allowed me to take more action in my life, even in moments of uncertainty. Taking a deep breath and diving into the unknown can be scary and invigorating, and it takes a certain level of trust in oneself and a healthy dose of humility.  I’ve grown that trust in myself by constantly learning from, and embracing, my mishaps.  
In doing so, I’ve found my power to be ever constant and fluid.  As a business owner, I had to learn a lot on my own, and I have been fortunate to connect with many individuals and programs that have given me the tools to learn, progress and grow. Taking on a business can be a daunting task, but instead of falling into helplessness, I stepped into my power and grabbed the reigns, progressing forward in my business journey.

Sanja Noble
Managing Partner, Premier 72

Every time women entrepreneurs shape policy or stand up for what we believe is right in our industry, we exercise power! Every association we are part of, like NAWBO Chicago, amplifies our collective power. These are platforms where our voices can echo louder.

Beyond these external manifestations, power is also internal. It’s the clarity with which we see our goals, the confidence that we chase our dreams, and the perseverance that keeps us going even when the road is rough. As women, we often juggle multiple roles and face unique challenges, but these very challenges hone our resilience and strength.

Let us redefine power on our own terms. Let us remember that every time we speak up, collaborate, mentor another woman, or simply refuse to give up, we are exercising our power. And together, as a collective, our power is unstoppable.

In the journey of entrepreneurship, let’s be the beacon for others, embodying what true power is. For in our stories, in our successes, and even in our struggles, lies the power to inspire, influence and impact the world.

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