Member Spotlight: Mentoring the Next Generation

Feb 25, 2022

NAWBO has always emphasized the importance of women business owners (WBOs) lifting up other female entrepreneurs for success. The pandemic has more women starting their own businesses than any other time in our history, which is a great opportunity to guide and support them and further shape our future. What are you doing to mentor and elevate your fellow entrepreneurs?

Kelly Fair, Polished Pebbles Girl’s Mentoring Program

I love being an entrepreneur and sharing knowledge with others, and I’m frequently asked out to lunch and coffee dates by fellow female entrepreneurs who want to “pick my brain” for ideas on growing their non-profits and social enterprises. As a way to support this community, I decided to host a virtual masterclass to teach leaders how to further the growth of their organizations and increase social impact. This masterclass was ideal for professionals who hope to expand their non-profits to achieve greater impact based on tested and valuable strategic growth and leadership strategies. In addition to answering questions about their individual challenges, I also addressed key topics like: 

Branding in a competitive market

Organizing an effective team (volunteers, employees, contractors and board members)

Managing change

Diversifying programming approaches

Securing, growing and managing impactful resources

This first class was such a success that I’ll be hosting my next masterclass during Women’s History Month in March.


Michelle Hibbler, Skyway Elevator Repair Co. Inc.

Having been a female business owner for several years, I’m well acquainted with the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. Engaging in mentorship and community are two ingredients that we can never get enough of. Oftentimes people presume that “support” has to be monetary, but I have found that many just want someone to listen. I offer advice when requested and if I don’t know the answer, I try to point them in the right direction. I believe in transparency so when people ask about my journey, I not only speak on my highs, but I also talk about my lows, the mistakes I’ve made and what not to do.

I strongly believe in cheering on my fellow entrepreneur and in supporting each other – not just in word but by showing up and purchasing products. And whenever I have the opportunity, I make it my business to promote and share my fellow business owner’s merchandise and/or services. Together, we as women have the power to change the trajectory of this generation and those to come.

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