What strategies have you found most effective in building successful collaborations in your woman owned business, and how have these partnerships contributed to your company’s growth?
Darryca Brim
Founding Executive Director
Focus Fairies Mentoring
When building successful collaborations with women-owned businesses, I prioritize finding like-minded partners who share similar visions and goals for the collaboration. This foundation ensures that each partnership is mutually beneficial, with both parties gaining what they need to grow and thrive. It’s crucial that these collaborations are not one-sided; instead, they should focus on how we can support each other, identify and fill gaps, and foster a reciprocal relationship. I also view these partnerships as opportunities to be thought partners, where I can learn from the experiences of others. If I face a challenge within my business, another business owner who has overcome similar obstacles can provide guidance and support. This level of transparency and vulnerability—being open to learning from others and asking for help—enables me to grow. These collaborations contribute significantly to my business growth by expanding my network, introducing new ideas and strategies, and increasing my business’s exposure. I actively seek out fruitful partnerships with women-owned businesses, believing in the power of collective growth and shared success.
Ebony Crump
The Retro Grill
The Retro Grill is a casual dining restaurant that is community centered. The community has embraced and supported my business for many years. With this in mind, As a restaurateur, I accept every opportunity to give back and participate in product collaboration, community events, networking and mentoring. One example is a product collaboration with one of my sauces, which is made from locally sourced ingredients and developed in a woman-owned small business. Her sauces are an added ingredient to my products. Through our collaboration I have sold over 30,000 burgers with rave reviews. My overall strategy is networking. It is important that I make connections within every area of my business model because I know it is vital to my success. I work with a nonprofit organization that reintroduces young adults to the workforce. I hire, train and mentor employees in my business and help them grow or develop a skill set that can be used in any industry. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve.