Media Release: Patricia Porrey and Pamela Jones Write Book

Oct 9, 2018

Authors Patricia Porrey and Pamela Jones Give Back to the Community by Offering a FREE Copy of Raising Confident Parents to Their Website Visitors

Patricia Porrey, CPD, and Pamela Jones, RN, are generously offering a free copy of their new book, Raising Confident Parents, through their website for a limited time.

Patricia Porrey, CPD, and Pamela Jones, RN, focus their expertise on helping new parents with overnight infant care and fostering healthy sleep habits in newborns. Now, these women have condensed their helpful advice in a new book, Raising Confident Parents: Secrets from Baby Nurses and Parents about Pregnancy, Infant Care, and Achieving Sweet Dreams.

The authors point out that many parents did not have the family support in the past because of relocation for work and other reasons. Still, many new parents these days are separated by hundreds or thousands of miles from those who could provide support for them and their newborn, and as a result, they feel isolated and alone when approaching the daunting task of raising a child. Raising Confident Parents covers a wide variety of topics of interest to new parents. The authors discuss the stress of receiving conflicting information on the best way to care for a newborn as well as postpartum recovery, must-have and necessary items for babies, setting up an infant for successful sleep, building confidence in parents, and even bonding between pets and new children.

According to the authors, “Expecting and caring for your newborn should be one of the happiest times in your life, but it can also be the most stressful. Let us help you unravel the mysteries and answer the questions you may not even know to ask. Parenthood can seem scary, but with Raising Confident Parents, you can build your confidence and learn to enjoy this amazing time in your life. Let’s face it, new parents do not have the time to read a 300-page book to find advice on what to do with sore boobs, how to treat hemorrhoids, and how to help your baby sleep through the night. We will give you proven parenting tips in short, easy-to-read pages and in a language you can understand.”

Proceeds from Raising Confident Parents will be donated to Friends of Conor, a non-profit foundation for children’s cancer research.

For a limited time, the authors are offering a FREE copy of their book, valued at $32, through their website. For more information, visit the website.

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