I Promise

Aug 2, 2018

On June 27, 2018, NAWBO Chicago held its Annual Meeting and Leadership Installation. It was a day of bright promises. New officers took oath, politicians pledged support for women in business, and we ushered in the Year of Advocacy. Here’s a snapshot of that day written as it unfolded . . .

Conversation percolated. Energy rippled through the room. Scattered laughter. Handshakes galore. The blue walls were our ocean. Rows of 1871 logos hung like playing cards on a long white wall, each image tailored to the visitor of the day.

One print was signed by Rianna Lynn, founder of Foodtrace and Entrepreneur-in-residence for Google – Code2040. One by Tina Tchen, Chief of Staff to Former First Lady Michelle Obama and Executive Director of the White House Council on Women & Girls. One for author Veronica Roth.

Attendees grabbed coffee and found seats among neoclassical white columns. The ceiling was a sea of shiny silver duct work, knotted wires, and suspended TV screens.

Jeanne Reidy, sr. vice president of events and content for 1871, kicked off the meeting. We were in a tech incubator’s space that had tripled in size to 130,000 square feet in just six years: 500 digital start-up companies, 300 mentors, venture capital firms, education programs, and university partners.

It was an ecosystem of stakeholders that made business owners successful. Just. Like. NAWBO.

She shared: diversity and inclusion were a priority. There were nursing rooms for moms. More than 60 percent of the team are women. Women mentors outnumber men. WiSTEM is in its seventh cohort. ChiBuys redirects thousands of dollars of spending to women-owned businesses.

Then Jeanne tapped our hearts. She said that 1871 didn’t hesitate a second to sponsor the Young Entrepreneur’s Academy (led by the NAWBO Spirit Foundation). As the only female-exclusive YEA! in the country, these young CEOs walk among start-up founders and see women pitching their companies on a packed stage.

Her point: You can’t be what you can’t see.

Next up was Jennifer Masi, immediate past president of NAWBO Chicago. She spoke about the accomplishments of the board and how the past Year of Engagement laid the foundation for the new Year of Advocacy. Then she introduced a woman, a real change-maker in business and past NAWBO Chicago President Hazel King.

Nine people took the stage. Hazel installed the new board and officers for the 2018-2019 year. “Into the hands will be placed the reins of leadership . . . raise your right hand . . .”

It was official. And here they are:

               President: Susan Gotham, Gotham Professional Services

               Immediate Past President: Jennifer Masi , Torque Digital

               President Elect: Edie Comminos, Alpha Metals Corporation

               Treasurer: Mary Pat Wesche, Forum Financial Management

               Secretary: Daphne McCoy, Miller Cooper & Co, Ltd.

               Director at Large: Katherine Tipper, Hunter Benefits Consulting Group

               Director at Large: Linda Forman, Linda Forman CPA

               Director at Large: Jeff Simon, Wells Fargo Advisors

               Director at Large: Jessica Interlandi, Schiller DuCanto & Fleck

               Director at Large: Pat Porrey, Sweet Dreams Infant Care

               Director at Large: Taneka Tucker, BMO Harris Bank

Click here to view our Leadership Page

Newly installed President Susan Gotham talked about the theme of advocacy, the importance of making your voice heard, and changing “what is” into “what should be.”

The remainder of the meeting brought a number of updates:

  • Past President Susan Dawson of Waltz, Palmer & Dawson, LLC, was named a director of the national NAWBO National Board.
  • Lindsay Wilson, CEO of Ink Factory, was one of seven chosen for the Maria Sharapova’s Women’s Entrepreneur Program with NAWBO.
  • Regional CONNECTS leaders were thanked for their service: Rena Henderson Mason of Bold Agenda (Chicago) and Peg Quinn of Paradigm Wealth Management (Chicago), Deb Dietz of SMB Value Partners (north), Sue Oldenburg of Oldenburg Accountants & Advisors (north), Katherine Tipper of Hunter Benefits Consulting (northwest), Dawn Collazo of Beacon Insurance (west).
  • The What Keeps You Up At Night Video Project is sending a message to local leaders, senators, congressmen. Look for these selfie-style videos on the NAWBO Chicago YouTube page.
  • In October, NAWBO will be participating in events recognizing H.R. 5050, a law signed by Ronald Reagan giving greater rights and resources to women in business.

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