A Message From Our President: Looking Back on 2021

Jan 4, 2022

Happy December! I don’t know about you, but I still find myself asking what year it is! After making it through 2021, working harder to get things done, connecting with people via Zoom, and facing numerous unforeseen challenges, I wish we could go back and erase the whole year, but the reality is that it is here to stay.

The past year has certainly been a struggle for all of us, but we managed to come out stronger. And why wouldn’t we? We took a big risk in becoming entrepreneurs and all that goes with it; surviving everything the last couple of years has thrown at us is further proof of our resilience and determination. Personally, I struggled to keep my business afloat and hire back employees, and I’m still working on figuring it all out.

Through it all, what I am most proud of is my family for standing by me, and for my NAWBO family being there when I needed them most. We shared tears and shared our successes, did business with each other, and at times showed each other our vulnerable sides.

As we look ahead to 2022, I am proud to share a few of our successes in 2021:

  1. NAWBO Chicago launched a Diversity Committee

  2. We grew to become the largest Chapter in the US

  3. We won the Membership Drive twice this year for most new NAWBO members

  4. We hosted our first Hispanic Heritage Month celebration

  5. We expanded into Wisconsin, and

  6. We held two outdoor events for the first time in over a year

And congratulations to several of our members who have had exceptional successes. One such example is Chicago’s own Tracey McGee who had her products featured on HSN.

We deserve to own and celebrate these accomplishments, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. I’ve learned many lessons these past 18 months, and while I reflect on what is ahead, I’d like to share those reflections with you, my NAWBO family. These are the challenges I’ve set for myself in the coming year:

  • I will make it a point to do more self-care to remain healthy for myself, my family and my business.

  • I will continue to grow by attending more conferences and listening to podcasts.

  • I will take more opportunities to express my gratitude to others.

  • I will step out of my comfort zone to learn new things, try new hobbies and be more outspoken on matters that are important to me.

  • I will continue to build friendships with my NAWBO family and serve them to my fullest.

Lastly, I want to take this time to thank you for choosing to be part of this fantastic community of women business owners who are better together. I’m so excited to see what we can accomplish on our own and together in 2022.

In the meantime, I wish joy and health to you and your families this holiday season and thank you for being a valuable member of NAWBO!

Stronger Together,

Elizabeth Colón 

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