A Message From Our President – July

Jul 5, 2023

I hope this message finds you well and thriving on your entrepreneurial journeys. It is with great honor and excitement that I assume the role of President of NAWBO Chicago.

First, I would like to thank  Bank of America for sponsoring our Board Installation in June at the House of Blues! WOW! What an event! Learn more about the $25,000 commercial space grant offered by Bank of America, here and here!

Additionally, my incredible sisterpreneurs, I’m so excited to build upon the legacy established by the outstanding business owners who have served before me.

As an artist and a micro business owner celebrating five years as owner of Art Studio 928, I bring a unique perspective to this position. I wholeheartedly believe in NAWBO’s mission and the unwavering support it provides to women in business like ourselves.

In collaboration with the esteemed 2023-24 Board of Directors, building on the business plan set in motion by my predecessors and with your valuable input and active involvement, I have set forth ambitious goals for our chapter:

1. Engagement: Our aim is to keep you actively engaged through a series of enriching in-person events. These gatherings will provide valuable opportunities for you to connect with fellow sisterpreneurs, foster meaningful relationships, and find the support you need within our community.

2. Membership Growth: Together, let us expand our NAWBO Chicago family by welcoming new members with open arms. Our goal is to reach a significant milestone of 400 Chicago-based women business owners.

3. Artistic Collaborations: As an artist myself, I am deeply passionate about promoting the benefits of NAWBO to more artists and makers. Through strategic collaborations, we will create pathways for artists to discover the immense value NAWBO offers and foster connections between our diverse entrepreneurial communities.

4. Advocacy for Access to Capital: NAWBO’s most recent survey shows that nearly 92% of women-owned businesses in the U.S. are micro businesses. (And for the record,A micro business is usually defined as a business with nine employees or less.) Women-owned businesses deserve equal access to capital, no matter our size. NAWBO Chicago will continue to champion policies and initiatives that support and enhance opportunities for women entrepreneurs to secure the financial resources they need to thrive.

5. Sponsorship Success: To further our mission, we aim to secure $25,000 in new sponsorships. These partnerships will not only provide us with vital resources but also demonstrate the collective support for women-owned businesses within our community.

I urge you to actively participate to fully maximize the benefits of NAWBO.

Step out of your office and engage with the entrepreneurial ecosystem by signing up for a Mastermind Group, attending events hosted by NAWBO, WBDC, WBENC, and the City of Chicago. These events offer invaluable networking opportunities, knowledge sharing, and the chance to forge valuable partnerships.

Consider joining a committee within NAWBO Chicago. We have open slots waiting to be filled by passionate individuals like you, who are eager to contribute their talents and expertise to our organization’s growth.

Lastly, invite a friend into the NAWBO fold! Share your positive experiences and sing the praises of NAWBO to fellow women business owners who may benefit from our supportive community.

Together, let us uplift one another, break barriers, and create an empowering environment where our businesses can flourish.

Thank you for being a part of NAWBO Chicago. I am genuinely excited to meet you all while we grow our businesses together!

With so much love for my NAWBO sisters,


Cheryl T Vargas
NAWBO Chicago

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